Fine we can go to the stupid BET awards

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"No," I said relaxing on the couch as I grabbed the remote from Michael's lap. "Pleaseeeeee Jazz I wanna go," Kiera whined. I regretted telling Kiera about the text Trey sent me because now she kept bugging me about going. "Okay just tell me why you don't wanna go, I mean there's famous people everywhere!" She exclaimed. "Famous people where?" Michael suddenly became interested as he turned the television down and stared at me and Kiera. "At the BET awards," Kiera blurted out. " Ya got tickets to go to the BET awards?" Michael asked in disbelief. "Yup. She was personally invited by Trey Songz," Kiera said arrogantly. I smirked as I stared at Michaels shocked facial expression. "Okay and Nicki Minaj is my wife," Michael joked as he turned the Television back up. "No seriously she knows Trey Songz," Kiera said. Michael ignored her. "Anyways," She turned her attention to me. "You have to say yes,".

"No Kiera I don't want to go, why does he want me to go?" I asked. "Because maybe he thinks you're cool, or just fun to be around but he just wants you to go," She said. "No he wants to fuck," I whispered. "Listen Trey does not want you, isn't he like 30 and you're 16. Plus he can have any girl he wants on this planet so sorry to burst your little cocky bubble but I'm sure he does not want to fuck you," She said as she snickered. I pushed her lightly and giggled as I pulled out my phone.

"Fine just send two tickets" I sent the text to Trey and within minutes he replied back.

"It takes you two days before the awards to text back? I thought I was going to have to come out there and get you lol oh and why you need two tickets, you aint bringing your little boyfriend," His text read.

"Why you want me to come so bad? Oh and no for my sister she wants to come," I replied.

Ten minutes passed and I was still waiting for Treys response. Then he finally did.

"I really don't know I just want you there and alright do you want me to send the tickets to your house?"

"That's not a valid answer Mr. Songz and no I don't live there anymore, I'll text you the address," I texted.

"Yes it is and where you living at?" He texted back.

"I gotta go, I'll text you the address later," I put my phone back into my pocket and looked at Kiera.

"So are we going?" She asked as she gave me the puppy dog eyes. I looked at her in anger then cracked a smile. "Yeah," I said. She tackled me in a hug.

That would never happen ( A Trey Songz story)Where stories live. Discover now