He really hates me now

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"Owwwww," I cried as Kiera poured Acohol on my deep wound. It hurt so bad.

"I'm almost done," Kiera said as she poured a little more causing me to close my eyes tightly. "Alright I'm done," She said as she wrapped a bandage around it. "I wonder what happened after we left?" Kiera said curiously. "Dad probably got her some help," I said. "Yeah maybe, I just wanna know what was wrong with her she didn't even look like herself," Kiera said. A knock on the door brought me and Kiera's attention back to reality. "Yo what ya doing in there I gotta piss," Michael said.

Me and Kiera quickly put the supplies back in the cabinets he had them in. Kiera swung the door open and Michael smiled. "What ya was doing in there for so long?" He asked suspiciously. "Nothing," Kiera responded as she pushed pass him. "We didn't mess with your stuff," I assured him as I gave him a small smile. He walked into the bathroom and Me and Kiera plopped down on the sofa. "So we don't have any clothes for when we go to the awards," Kiera whined. "I don't wanna go anymore," I sighed. "What you mean you don't wanna go?" She gasped. "Kiera if you haven't noticed I have a huge bandage on my arm," I replied.

"So what, I can put jewels or something on it and it will be pretty it can be like the new style," She smiled, hoping I would change my mind. "NO KIERA I DON'T WANNA GO! IF YOU WANNA GO SO BAD THEN YOU CAN GO!" I shouted then threw the tickets on her lap. She looked at the tickets then at me. "Okay fine we don't have to go," She said lowly. I stomped upstairs and sat in a corner. I pulled out my phone and dialed Trey's number. He picked up on the fifth ring.

"Hey did you get on the flight yet?" He asked. I could hear the excitement in his voice.

"Um no I'm not gonna be able to make it," I said.

"Wait what? Why?" He asked quickly.

"I'm just not gonna be able to make it sorry," Then I hung up on him.

I wanted to cry but instead I just held my legs close to my chest and screamed. Trey probably really hated me now.

That would never happen ( A Trey Songz story)Where stories live. Discover now