Sister, Sister

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"STOP THROWING MY STUFF KIERA!" I shouted in my older sister Kiera's face. She rolled her neck dramatically, her gold hoops dangling in her ears before she quickly retaliated by pushing me back onto the ground. Kiera was 17 and I was 16. We would argue a lot but we always we're there for each other. I loved her and I knew she loved me.

"MOM KIERA'S THROWING MY STUFF!!!!!!" I yelled into the hallway.

"CAN YA SHUT THE HELL UP I'M TRYNA WATCH GOOD TIMES!" Momma yelled from her bedroom. I sucked my teeth then stomped out of Kiera's room. " NEXT TIME DON'T LEAVE YOUR STUFF IN MY ROOM!" She yelled then slammed her door shut.

"HEY STOP SLAMMMING DOORS IN MY DAMN HOUSE!" Momma screeched then slammed her door. I Layed back on my bed and stared at the ceiling. "I cant wait until I move out," I whispered to myself. All of a sudden my room door flung open and there stood Kiera, a book in her right hand and a goofy grin plastered on her face.

She opened the book then cleared her throat. "He held my hand tightly then peered into my sea blue eyes.......," Once I noticed what she was reading I gasped in horror. I immediately jumped up from the comfort of my bed.

"GIVE IT BACK!" I shrieked. She continued reading then laughed in my face. I grabbed my book and hid my face in embarrassment.

"Next time don't leave your stuff in my room you creepy freak,".

She left my room laughing. I threw the book in the corner of my room and collapsed onto my bed.

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