Moving in with a stranger...... well not really

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When I woke up I forgot I was staying at Michaels house. I tapped Kiera. She mumbled something then tossed on the couch eventually falling off. I put my hand over my mouth to keep myself from laughing loudly. "Oww," Kiera whined as she got up and stared at me. "Where are we!" She yelled. "Shhhhh," I hissed. Moments later Michael came slumping down the stairs rubbing his eyes. "See what you did, you woke him up," I whispered.

She shrugged her shoulders and we both stared at Michael. All he had on was his boxers. "I feel ya looking at me," He mumbled. "Maybe it's because you're almost naked," Kiera said. "Almost," He said. "Um we don't really have anything to wear," I interrupted. "Um I got some sweats and some plain tees?" He said as he jogged upstairs to his room and seconds later he was downstairs with us, handing us some fresh clothes. "Thank you," I responded as I looked around. "Oh um the bathroom is over there," He pointed behind me. Kiera followed me. Once we got inside the bathroom she began to whisper frantically.

"Why you got us staying in some guy house we barely know!".I shushed her once again. "I know him," I responded lowly. "Where you know him from?" She pressed her lips together tightly as her hand rested on her hip. "He's a friend of mine," I answered as I stripped my clothes off of my body then stepped into the shower. "Whatever. I'm gonna get a job and Ima get us a little apartment. I'm your older sister and I don't feel comfortable with us staying in some man house,"She said before she began to brush her teeth. After taking a shower I brushed my teeth and put on the clothes michael gave me. It was a little big but that's because michael was super skinny. I put my hair in a wet ponytail then left the bathroom.

Kiera was still taking a shower. I walked into the kitchen, the smell of bacon made my stomach grumble. I placed my hand on my stomach and giggled causing michael to turn around and look at me.

"What you giggling for?" He smirked. The grease from the bacon popped him and he cursed. I chuckled. "You think this is funny?". I nodded my head. "Well it aint," He smiled as the bacon popped him again. "I give up," He threw the spatula on the counter in an aggravated manner. I made my way over to the stove, picking up the spatula. "You had the fire on too high," I said as I continued cooking the bacon. I felt michael looking at me, it made me uncomfortable.

"So you know how to cook?" I felt his body behind me, causing me to tense up. "U-uh yeah b-but m-my sister s-she cooks a-alot of s-stuff," I stuttered. I heard michael smirk as his hand trailed along my bare arm, goosebumps formed on them. "Maybe you can teach me how to cook," He smiled as his face moved close to my neck. "Ooh it smells good!"Kiera barged into the kitchen causing me to push michael away. "Ooh bacon!"Kiera grabbed a piece and shoved it in her mouth. "We gotta be at school in fifteen minutes,"Kiera said. "Oh we gotta go," I said as I turned the stove off and headed towards the door. "Aight,"Michael responded as he grabbed his keys and we left the house.

It took us thirty minutes to get to school since Michael kept getting lost. Once we got to school Kiera was angry. "OH MY GOSH I PROBABLY MISSED MY TEST!!!" Kiera yelled as she hopped out of the backseat and slammed the door. Michael just chuckled. "I'm sorry Kiera is just going through some things and-," He cut me off. "You don't gotta apologize for her she got a mind of her own, she do what she want,". "Well I should get going," I put my hand on the door handle and went to open it but Michael grabbed my thigh. "Wait, um have a good day at school," He said as he looked down shyly. I smiled then gave him a quick peck on the cheek. I got out of the car and jogged to Kiera.

"What was you doing? Don't you know we late?" Kiera asked. "Yes I know we're late," I answered as I followed her into the building. We had to get late passes from the main office. That's when we went our separate ways. I walked into Math class and all eyes were on me. "Nice of you to Join us," Ms. Reyes said sarcastically. I gave her a fake smile as I took a seat in the back. Kimberly turned around in her seat and signaled for me to come sit next to her. I reluctantly got up and walked towards Kimberly's seat. I almost tripped over someone's stuff and when I looked to see who's stuff it was I rolled my eyes. Bianca was glaring at me. "Watch where you're going, this is prada,"She grabbed her purse from off the ground and dusted it off with her hand. I had to bite my tongue so I didn't say anything.

"Ignore her," Kimberly whispered to me once I sat in the seat next to hers.

That would never happen ( A Trey Songz story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat