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**This one is really short and random but I hope everyone likes!
1:30 AM writing isn't the best so cut me some slack please. Thanks!**

You expected many forms of random dates from Spock. Kayaking down a river near StarFleet was not one of those forms.

Yet here you were, a life vest strapped to your chest. A paddle in one arm, your hand positioned to balance the pole. You dragged the kayak into the water, somehow managing to get in without tipping over.

"Now what?" You ask Spock, watching as he tipped over twice into the shallow water before finally managing to get in the kayak. His bangs now plastered to his forehead, he pushed off the shore with the paddle and joined you in a calm spot that didn't have current.

"We go down the river I believe." Spock stated, trying to find the right balance in the small surprisingly unstable boat. You had the opposite. It was more stable than you thought.

"Simple enough. Race you!" You yell, paddling away and into the current of the river. As you paddled, the water pushed you along causing you to accelerate faster and faster.

A quick glance back showed Spock was far behind; he was just a mere blur. It was quite a funny sight. You'd see the blur and suddenly it would disappear and then come back.

You got to the end of the safe kayaking zone and stopped. Pulling yourself ashore, you plopped down on a sandy beach and waited for your boyfriend to finally arrive.

"Who's mediocre idea was this?" Spock grumbled, dragging the canoe ashore. He lay down in the sand next to you, the small grains getting caught in the floppy wet mess of his hair.

"Uh, yours." You tell him, taking your finger and wiping some sand from his nose. Sitting up, Spock sighed.

"It wasn't my best idea." He admitted, poking the beaches kayak with his foot.

"Well you look adorable so I say it wasn't half bad." You tell him, kissing his nose and watching as he turned a shade of green. Vulcan blood made his face green instead of read when he blushed.

"Thank you." Spock replied, feeling better that his idea wasn't a total disaster.

"How do we get back?" You ask, poking the kayak with a stick.

"Hadn't thought that far..." Spock mumbled, holding the cord attached to the front in his hand. "Drag them?"

You shrug and nod, grabbing the cord in yours and began to walk. The kayak bobbed in the water as you pulled it upstream; the task wasn't too hard.

You had a nice walk on a beach with Spock, which was about as close to the real thing you'd ever get. Granted it was a river and you were dragging a single person boat, but hey, take what you can get. And you definitely did.

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