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*warning for kidnapping and torture.
Requested by @Emi_Lou32
I'm so sorry it took so long, I was having trouble writing requests and things with torture. I feel okay now, so I'll write it while I feel up to it. Hope you enjoy!*

The past two weeks have been the worst of your life. You were kidnapped from the Enterprise and held by Klingons. Although, they didn't just hold you, they tortured you. Very badly. Always beating on you and threatening to kill you.

Your boyfriend, Spock, was furious when he found out what happened. You didn't know that, you weren't there, but everyone tells you that's what he did.

"Comfortable?" A Klingon mocked, kicking your ribs as you lay on the ground. You gasped in pain as try air left your lungs. The Klingon just laughed and put a small knife at your throat. "Groan in pain and you die."

You slowly nodded and held back any groan or moan you had. It was only morning. The first morning of the third week. The two weeks had just passed. You knew the Enterprise was trying to get you back, that Spock was looking for you, but why did it have to take this long?!

The rest of the day consisted of normal torture. They seemed to be letting up a little. That night, you lay down in the cold stone floor, your arm under your head as a pillow. As your eyes began to feel heavy, a figure began to shake you awake.

"Y/N, Y/N." He muttered, helping you stand up, despite the fact that you didn't have any energy. It took a few minutes for you to realize it was the captain. The transport beans surrounded the two of you, accompanied by the bright lights of the starship Enterprise. The instant you landed on the transporter pad, you passed out.

"Spock." You mumble, slowly opening your eyes. A few muffled voices were heard, like hearing them through a tunnel. One of your eyes was preyed open and light was shown in. "Woah!" You yell, jerking up. But, a pair of arms pushed you back down on the bed.

"Alert Spock." A loud voice said, the same voice belonged to the person looking over you.

"What happened?" You asked, your voice gruff. You tried to sit up, but just got pushed back down.

"Stop moving, you have broken ribs." The voice said.

"Who are you?" You ask, still unable to identify it. You kept your eyes closed due to the brightness of the sickbay. 

"It's McCoy, now stay still." McCoy said, jamming a hypo into your neck. You winced and yelled in pain as Spock entered the sickbay room.

"Y/N." He muttered, instantly kissing you. Every single pain in your body was forgotten. Spock was there now and everything was better.

"Spock." You mutter, carefully opening one eye. "How long was I out?"

"A week. You were kidnapped for just over three." Spock answered, sitting down on a chair beside you. He kept your hand in his, holding it tight.

"Wow..." You mumble, staring off.

"I'm glad you're okay." Spock said, standing up. He kissed your cheek before walking over to the other side of the room to get water for you. He's right, you were okay. Especially now that he was here.

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