Chapter 26: Day Three Part 1

Start from the beginning

His head raises and looks my direction. "Really? Because, you have a right to still be mad at me. I understand." He says, lowering his eyes to the ground.

I stride towards him and sit next to him. "Do you think I regret this?" I ask. I move his face with my index finger and peck him on the lips. His eyes look more lively.

"Or this?" My lips meet with his again and I allow it to last longer than the first one. As I pull away, I see a slight smile find its way to his face.

"Because, trust me, I definitley don't regret this." I grab his face and strongly wrap my arms around his neck. My lips sharply meet his, and begin to move in sync. My head turns to the right and I allow him to deepen the kiss. My hands find their way to his curled hair, tangling it even more.

He lays me down on the couch and finishes it with a peck on the nose. Whispering in my ear, he says, "Good, because I might regret my past, but I don't regret any of what's part of now."

He rolls off of me and smiles. "I'm sorry about that, but I just have been feeling really guilty right now." I smile.

"You don't have to be sorry for expressing your emotions. I can promise you that." He smirks and turns to the kitchen.

"Breakfast?" He asks.

"Actually, I thought we could go out today.. All day! Including, breakfast?" I reply, half questioning and half asking.

"Sounds like a good day to me."


Harry's POV

Part of me is embarassed for breaking down so hard in front of Claire. But, the other part is greatful that I did it. Now, Claire knows how I have been feeling.

That is important in a relationship like ours. Our past is so complicated, and I never would want history to repeat itself.

I am waiting in the living room, fiddling with my car keys in my hand as I wait for her to be done getting ready.


After waiting for what feels like an eternity for her to be done, I hear footsteps make their way down the wrap-around staircase. As she becomes visible, I see what took so long. She looks amazing.

Her hair is in a bit tighter curls than normal. Her make up is a bit heavier than her normal natural look. She is wearing casual wear, but it looks phenominal. She has a blue tanktop with white lace on the back along with high-waisted white shorts. Her feet are acompainied by slightly wedged blue sandels.

Everything looks perfect. She is perfect.

She begins to giggle, "What are you staring at?" She asks, her cheeks flaming with pink.

"You." I simply respond, taking in every aspect of what makes Claire.. Clarie. Her smile begins to become more prominent. I smile to myself thinking about how lucky of a guy I am.

"Ready?" I ask, engulfing her hand in mine. She nods her head as I open the door and motion for her to step out.


We end up going to a simple burger shop instead of a breakfast place, since it is a little after noon already. 

We end up eating our food in less than 45 minutes. After our meal of burgers, we head into town. She ordered that she drove so that the place that we could be going would be a complete surprise to me.


After begging her to tell me where we were going the whole way from the burger shop, she finally pulls into a parking lot.

"Where the hell are we?" I ask, confused.

"We are at a roller rink." She simply responds, desperately trying to hold back a smile. She knows I suck at skating.

"Ha, ha.. Very funny. Now, really, where are we?" I ask, beginning to feel nervous.

"Didn't I just say?" She grabs my hands and pulls me to the building. As we enter, I realize, she really was being serious.

"You know I can't skate." I say, feeling my stomach drop. I even think our last date was spent skating.

"Well, you didn't leave a very good impression of it last time.. But that doesn't mean you still can't! I bet, you still haven't been since..." She stops, pain filling her eyes. "Last time.."

Crap. I didn't mean to make her remember the... Past.

"Whatever.. Lets just get this over with." I say, teasingly, going up to the line to get shoe sizes for rollerblades.

This is going to be interesting.. Very Interesting..



Well, Geez! It has been a LONG time since I last Updated! I am so sorry! I've just been insanely busy. I started Highschool 4 weeks ago and it is a lot crazier than it has been before!

Anyways, I am back! I have 3 other books as well, so don't forget, I try to update those as well! Don't Hate me.. PLEASE!

I will try to be more frequent, but it will be a challenge.

However, Here is Day 3.. PART 1! There will definitely be a part 2 to day 3.. I didn't even get to the interesting part yet (;

For now, enjoy! Comment/Vote/Fan

I love you all! Don't forget about me!

~Emma <3

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