"What you tryna get into?"

"Nothing. What about you?" I asked him back


I mushed his head back listening to him laugh

"Kayden that's not funny. That's nasty"

"You are too damn innocent"

"No I'm not"

"You don't even like kissing. I think your going to be a virgin forever. You mines well become a nun"

I frowned "Are you too impatient to wait for me?"

"Imma be honest with you so don't get mad. Being with you I haven't had no type of sexual pleasure in a year. It's not like I don't want to be with you though because I love you and I wanna be with you as long as I can. On the other hand I wanna make love to you and make sure you know I'm not here to take advantage of you. If I was still the way I was before I would've been did it and it's on to the next.."

"I'm eighteen and don't need to be getting into that yet"

"I won't speak too much on it because I don't want you to get the interpretation that I just want you for sex"

"I know you don't but I think your going too fast and being selfish not to wait till I'm happy and ready to do it too. Only so we both can enjoy it"

"Selfish. So I'm selfish because I want to have sex with someone I love a lot?"

"If you want to be technical ... many times you said stated you haven't had sex in a long time. If you really cared about my feelings your mind wouldn't be on taking my virginity most of the time. Your lucky I even trust you with my family's deepest secrets and my past"

"I do care about your feelings. If I didn't why would I still be here!?" He yelled

"Then why can't you wait for me? I'm starting to feel like you are just with me for sex" I raised my voice

"I need a blunt" he got up and went through this box

I was trying to keep in my emotions but soon started crying and I couldn't stop. He couldn't even face the fact that I was right and talk to me. Instead he's running away from his problems. I hope he does truly love me. If he doesn't then I wasted my time all to get my heart broken.

"Wait Kayden" I stood in front of the door "why are you going?"

"Cause you think I'm just with you for your virginity" he said calmly

"Then explain it to me" I cried

"Imma have to talk to you another time because you really on some other shit"

"If you leave while I'm trying to talk to you I swear I'm done with you. I love you and you should love me enough to be able to explain to me what I just put at you"

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you If I didn't want to be with you I would have fucked you, made you suck me, take advantage of you many more times till I was tired and left you for someone else just that simple!" His once grey eyes now darker

I looked up at him and cried. I hate when people yell at me. That type of energy reminds me of how my mom always yelled at me and made me feel like I did something wrong.

"I'll wait Brooklynn. Is that what you wanted to hear? I apologize for the misunderstanding. I love you and I'll just wait"

"It sounds too forced" I said

He tried moving me out the way and I tried to stay but he's much more taller and stronger than me.

"No Kayden" I held onto the door knob so he couldn't get to it


She probably thinks I'm being rude right now but I'm just annoyed at the fact that she's assuming shit. I don't want anybody but Brooklynn and I want her to know that. It may seem like that's what I'm aiming for but I just want to show her love in a different way and it's by making her feel good. She won't understand though because obviously I say things the wrong way.

I grabbed her and picked her up putting her on the bed. That didn't do anything because she got up and ran back to the door.

"Kayden please don't leave"

"I just need time to clear my mind"

It's not easy watching her cry but I don't want to take any more of my anger out on her so it's best for me just to subtract myself from the problem. This is the most she's ever cried which doesn't make the situation easier.

"Do you love me?" She asked staring into my eyes as if she would find the answer there

"I do"

She wiped her tears with the back of her hand "Then don't walk away from me when all I want to do is talk"

I leaned down and kissed her slowly then tried to pull back but she wouldn't let me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down more kissing me deeply. This definitely isn't my girlfriend Brooklynn which doesn't make me happy at all. I could tell she was just doing this so I wouldn't go.

"I love you so so much Kayden" she mumbled between kisses

I pulled away from the kiss and sighed "I love too baby"

"Does your shoulder hurt?"

I shook my head "Nope"

"I want another kiss"

I leaned down and gave her a kiss

"One more"

"I ju-"


I kissed her again and went to open the door. She actually let me go this time which was surprising. I went to the back and lit my blunt then smoking it. Every stressful thought began going away the more and more I took a hit.

After about three hours of thinking I decided to go back upstairs. I opened my room door seeing Brooklynn sleep on my bed. She was laying on her stomach and her mouth slightly open as her body slowly went up then down. This girl really is a keeper. She really showed me different the way she acted today. I shook her until she woke up.

"What?" She mumbled looking at me

"You ready to go home?"


"Aight" I watched her as she put on her shoes then we left out. No words was exchanged between us the whole ride until she got out just to say bye.

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