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Manik: nandini let's go home.. They may have reached... Navya.. She is not well...

Nandini: what happened to her??

Manik: she fell unconscious in aufi just after u left with mano...

Nandini: Mani let's go home fast she needs me... Chalo...
Manik: ya...

Manik succeeded in distracting nandini...

Manik's POV...

After cops arrested that jerk my jaan was in my arms crying again... Once again I didn't protect her... Once again I could have lost her.... I can't bear it anymore I want to kick myself for not protecting my star... She always shined for us.. But me?? What am I... While thinking all this I got a message from cabir that they r leaving home and taking manini with them and he asked me to be with Nandu... I rubbed her back again placed warm kisses on her forehead to ensure her that I'm with her.. Always I used to promise this to her but I never succeeded in completing it... Not anymore... No more tears and heart breaks... I tried distracting her by telling that navya is not keeping well and I succeeded in distracting her.... Ya she is my STAR... She shines for all even in such a condition she was worried for navya and she wanted to be there with her I took her home.....
All while the way to hole she kept quiet and just nodded her head on my questions and smiles.... After some time she held my left arm and kept her head on it... And I smiled and kissed her forehead....

Soon we reached and as we moved upstairs all I could see was smiling face of all... It actually confused me.. Were they happy for navya being ill? And mukti cane to me out of excitement and told me......

Manik congrats.... Chacha banne wala hai...

What?? That was all I could utter but nandini she rushed to her bff... And hugged her tight....
Masi bana diya ha mujhe...

Masi?? She'll be mask and me chaacha isn't that weird... Anyways all these are complicated...

End of POV....

Dhruv: manik u know cabir he is such a dumb ass....😂😂😂

Manik: that he is... But what happened...

Aryaman: u know what my sweet sis placed cabir's hand over her stomach when he asked her is she allri8... He said is it indigestion??

Abhimanyu: then again are u with motion problems??? Oh my god cabir can't u be sensible enough?? Idiot...

While others laughed at him... And he made a whatever look 😒😒

Manini: mamma why ale all laughling....

Nandini: mano... How are u u r fi9 na...

In between navya and her pregnancy she forgot about her baby... She hugged her tight and kissed her cheeks and forehead....

Manini: daddy...

Manik: yes mano...
Manini: daddy mano wants a pet like thish....

She said pointing towards hrley and nandini's photo while at the same time pouting🙎🙎🙎🙎
Manik: of course daddy will purchase one for mano...
Manini: sachi...
Manik: muchi.... He said while poking her face with his finger...

Nandini: why to purchase a new?! Mani how is herley....

Manik: Nandu........ Herley u know he wasn't keeping well so he died last year and he wasn't eating anything since many days... So...

Nandini: Hm.... Mano come let's sleep its late....

After the interrogation with navya And cabir all of them were resting here and there and manan along with their angel came to their room....
And manini was talking to manik while he fed her dinner and nandini went to fresh-n-up and after dinner manini asked manik about herley...
Mukti: Manik please let maano sleep with us... I am missing Ishu a lot... Please...

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