Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Nathan’s POV

I lowered the hand I was holding in front of Elsie in sadness and hung my head. Everything’s a mess. Sam came back in after burning the body and asked what was wrong. I just said I didn’t know.

“Here, maybe she’ll let us touch her…” Kelsey offered and I shrugged my shoulders as if to say, “Go for it.” Nareesha nodded and turned her head to El.

“Elsie? Come on, love, please stand,” Nareesha instructed as she got up herself, holding both her hands out for El to take. El grabbed them immediately and I slightly felt jealous. Why won’t she touch me?

Nareesha walked Elsie out, her eyes not once meeting with mine. Kelsey followed and for a few minutes, us lads stood there.

“I think she’s just scared, Nath,” Tom finally said and I scoffed.

“I’m her mate!” I raised my voice, feeling frustrated and confused.

“Hey, calm down,” Sam warned and I frowned.

“From the looks of it, that prick drank from her…. If you haven’t noticed, your bite marks are completely gone,” Max added and my head snapped up—he was right.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.

“She’s probably confused. But no other vampire can drink from those already mated—she practically poisoned the guy; we arrived just in time,” Max replied.

“Let’s go back to mine. Just take things slow with Elsie, for now, Nathan.” Sam said and I sighed as I followed them out the cabin. I looked back at the shabby thing and slammed its door, shattering the wooden walls around it. I stomped forward and went to walk next to Kelsey who gave me a worried look.

“Not now, Nathan,” she whispered and I stopped in my tracks in frustration. Jay, who came up behind me, held onto my shoulder for me to continue walking.

“We’ll get her back,” Jay said and I gave him a weak smile. I was more worried than ever—El hasn’t said a single word since we came for her.

For the rest of the hour walking back to Sam’s house, Kelsey and Nareesha took turns giving El a piggyback ride as she was too weak to keep on walking. In the mean time, I was holding onto Jay for support. El was so close, but I wasn’t allowed to touch her.

We finally got to the house and Emma rushed out with the vampire girl behind her. “Elsie!” Emma yelled and grabbed her into a hug, but El didn’t respond until exactly 15 seconds later. It officially dawned on me that El’s scared to be touched by men at the moment. Or maybe it's me in particular.

“We’ll take her to her room, you lads lounge around. We’ll try to get her to talk,” Kelsey said and she, Nareesha and Emma walked El up the stairs. The other girl stayed downstairs with us.

“I’m sorry,” the girl finally spoke. I snapped.

“’Sorry?’ Look where it’s gotten Elsie!” I roared and the girl cowered in her seat.

“Nathan!” Tom scolded and I breathed out in response.

“What’s your name?” Siva asked softly.

“Cassie,” she replied.

“Please, I want nothing with you, and I know now how stupid I was to accept William’s offer…” she trailed off. William. I only ever referred to him as just another vampire, not by name. He didn’t deserve that in my eyes. "I just want to e with my mum again..."

“Would you prefer if you leave?” Sam asked Cassie and she nodded. I knew she knew if she's thought of being part of the clan.

“Yes, I like being on my own,” she said politely and got up, taking herself out of the house.

“Okay, then…” Jay muttered awkwardly and Tom chuckled. I didn’t react at all—I was too angry.

“We killed William, and we must make sure something like this doesn’t happen again,” I quietly sneered when I heard William’s name.

“I’m never referring to him as his blasted name. He’s nothing but another vampire to me,” I muttered and they said nothing.

We fell into a tensed silence and I listened in on the girls’ conversation upstairs. No one has said anything for the duration we were talking with Cassie, until now.

“El? Please say something,” Emma said.

“What do you want me to say?” El said in a dead tone and I felt my insides melt at the sound of her voice.

“Tell us what happened,” I heard Kelsey ask.

“There’s nothing to tell. He took me, drank from me…kept saying how I was his mate…he took away any proof of Nathan from me…he forced himself upon me…” she trailed off and I began to feel angry again.

“Is that why you’re scared to be touched by Nathan?” Emma asked softly and I sat up in my seat.

“I don’t know…I want him, but…” she began to sob and I shut my eyes and rested my forehead on my fist.

“Shh, give yourself some time. Nathan will understand,” Nareesha cooed as El continued to sob.

“I just feel so guilty…looking back on today,” she cried.

“Would it be fine with you if he came up here?” Kelsey asked. Elsie must’ve approved because the next thing I knew I was being called upstairs by Emma. Half way up the steps I looked back at the boys and they just nodded at me. I slowly made my way down the hallway and I stopped outside her closed door.

“Just come in, Nath,” Nareesha said and I gently pushed the door open. I noticed El sitting in the center of her large bed, her hair had been brushed and she had changed out of her bloodied clothes as I walked over to sit on the edge of the bed. Emma, Nareesha and Kelsey had all been sitting by her side.

“We’ll leave you,” Emma said and they closed the door behind them. I looked back at Elsie to see her concerned expression.

“Please, don’t be scared of me…” I pleaded softly and she hesitantly reached for my hand. When she finally grabbed hold of it I felt warm inside.

“I missed you,” she said and I smiled.

“I missed you, too,” I replied and we sat there, just holding hands.

I was taken aback when she suddenly pulled me into a tight hug, her arms around my neck. Her knees were on the bed so I wrapped my arms behind her thighs before lifting her and placing her in my lap and moving my arms around her back. How I missed this.

Elsie kissed my neck and I held her tighter, anticipating her teeth sinking into my neck, but it never came. I knew what she wanted right now was for me to simply hold her, and I was fine with that.

A/N: Yay, haha, writing this filler chapter made me feel all happy. I decided to update after 7 hours because I felt like it :) 

Maybe later on tonight, I'll update this again.... Comment and vote, my lovelies! :) xx

Edited December 30, 2013

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