Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Elsie’s POV

I felt so heavy and sore, especially at my neck. As I tried opening my eyes I ran a hand on the surface I was lying on—wood. My eyes shot open right then and I see that I’ve been laying on hard wood floor for how ever many hours. I slowly got up and turned my head from side to side, feeling the great stiffness from when I turned my head to the left. The girl who snapped my neck knew I’d be knocked out cold from it, considering vampires aren’t able to sleep.

I took in my surroundings—the whole place was made of wood, which made me conclude that I was in a log cabin. There was a big fireplace off in a corner to the right, and the door across from it. Apart from that, the cabin was totally empty. Seeing as the door was right there, I quickly got on my feet and was about to touch the door handle when someone grabbed me from behind.

“Where do you think you’re going?” A man said behind me. But it wasn’t just any man, but a vampire, specifically William. I gasped.

“Where are we?” I asked him, not turning around to face him.

“Home,” he says simply and my eyes widened.

“What?” I spat, spinning around, only to be met with cold, blue eyes and his sandy hair.

“I’ve brought you home with me,” he smiled, and I instantly felt creeped out.

“My home is back in Yorkshire, with my family…my mate,” I emphasized each word and I noticed his eyes looked colder when I said the word “mate.”

“But I’m your mate,” he argues and I looked at him in shock. I didn’t know what to say so I just stared at him. The tension was thick in the cabin and I tensed up even more. I had only realized I moved from my place right in front of William when I felt my back against the wooden wall.

“Don’t be afraid,” he says to me, taking a few steps forward. Soon he was up in my face again and he pulled down my shirt collar and examined Nathan’s bite marks. I began to feel the literal pain of missing Nathan…I’m sure he’s looking for me.

“Are these by him?” William sneered and I held the urge to laugh.

“Who else would it be from?” I scoffed lightly.

“They’d be from me…” he muttered. I let out a shaky breath and I saw him smirk. I made a run for it and sprinted across the room towards the door again, but William was too fast and stood in front of the door.

“Let me go,” I said sternly.

“Not a chance. You’re mine now.” With that, he grabbed my face and places his mouth on mine. I tried pulling away but his grip was like iron on both sides of my face.

“No, stop--“ I started to say but he kept on kissing me and soon I was pinned down on the floor. He kissed along my jaw line and I began sobbing. William ran a hand under my shirt and I kicked his leg instinctively but it didn’t stop him. It was hopeless, so I stayed on the floor, motionless.

He tugged on my collar again and ran his tongue up my neck, clearing Nathan’s bite marks completely—he wanted to start over with me, and I struggled even more to get out of his grip.

“No,” I squeaked and he chuckled. This guy was really sick. That’s when I felt his teeth sink into my neck and I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to ignore the pain. It definitely wasn’t the same when Nathan drank from me.

William kept drinking and I started to feel weak. I let out a high-pitched scream and he released himself from me. He staggered backward and fell to the floor, and I gave him a confused look.  What’s happening to him?

I looked down at my shirt and saw that it was soaked with blood—he hadn’t sealed his bite. I held a hand to my neck and slowly got up. William had my blood all over his mouth as he was coughing it back up.

I couldn’t possibly make a run for it since he’s practically drained me. I just hope Nathan will find me soon.

A/N: Woohoo! Weekday update! I actually found the time to do this, considering I have other homework that I could do but didn't do :P  Anyway, so why is William acting so weird? Stay tuned :) xx

Edited December 29, 2013

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