Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Nathan’s POV

“Something’s not right,” I muttered as the pain got worse in my chest area.

“What is it?” Siva asked and Nareesha nodded her head worryingly next to him.

“I’m not sure but I need to get back…” I concluded and got up, ready to leave. Just then the others came through the door and looked at me with confused expressions.

“Leaving already?” Jay pouted and I chuckled.

“Yeah, what’s happened?” Max asked.

“I think it’s Elsie…something’s not right,” I said, not looking at them. I was growing uncomfortable by the second and I just knew I had to get back to her. My attention was brought back when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I whipped it out and saw that Sam was calling.

“Sam?” I answered.

“Nathan, she’s gone,” I could hear the concern in his voice and I became more anxious.

“What do you mean by that?!” I yelled through gritted teeth. I heard Sam’s breath hitch, then continue normally.

“She went for a walk hours ago to clear her mind off of you and she never came back, that’s what I mean!” I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm. This wasn’t the time for that.

“Alright, I’m coming over now,” I said down the line and I could just see Sam nod. He hung up and I looked back up to my clan.

“Go,” Tom said knowingly.

“Will you come with me?” I asked them hopefully. Whatever has happened to El will require more than just Sam, Emma and myself. I somehow knew that.

They all nodded and we wasted no more time and headed out onto the road. It was already dark, and the fact that Sam said that El has been gone for hours…. I shook my head as I ran. It wasn’t long before we reached the front door of their house. Sam and Emma came rushing out and hadn’t said anything because I suddenly turned around and froze on the spot.

I had caught El’s scent.

I dashed out of the driveway and into more deserted road, just following her scent. I came to a stop at this one spot on the road and I felt everyone halt behind me.

“There’s another one,” Max said from behind and I nodded and sniffed the air for any other trails of Elsie.


“How is this possible?” I said out loud.

“Whoever took El must have great skill in covering up his tracks…” Emma trailed off and I hung my head in disappointment for a second.

“I need to find her!” I whispered angrily as I squeezed my eyes shut. The pain in my chest was getting worse and I felt like throwing up.

“And we will, Nathan. Just breathe and try to calm yourself. We’ll find El.” Jay told me gently and I nodded.

“Hey!” Siva unexpectedly yelled, making me jolt slightly.

“What?” Tom prompted.

“Someone moved behind those trees!” Siva whispered. A second later we all sensed that this “someone” is another vampire and I felt the air around us thicken with tension. I took a step forward towards the greenery ahead; no one stopped me so I just kept going.

I saw a dark shadow cross in between the tree trunks and I sprinted, hearing a peep of a gasp in their direction. The vampire was running now and I lunged myself forward and tackled him.

Except it wasn’t a “him,” but a female.

“No! Please!” She pleaded. She had black hair parted in the middle and the usual pale-ish skin. I could see in her eyes that she fed on humans.

“I’m not going to hurt you; I’ll get off you, but you mustn’t run, okay?” I instructed her slowly and she nodded. I dug my knee into the ground and got on my feet swiftly. She just cowered on the dirt ground before standing up.

That’s when I smelled Elsie on her—I lost it.

“Where is she?!” I yelled at the girl. She cringed and I was fighting the urge to rip her head off.

“No, please, I was under orders!” She held her arms in front of her face; she was terrified of me.

“Nathan!” Sam warned and I turned around quickly to see the rest of them rush up around me. The girl in front of us became more intimidated and pressed her back against a tree.

“She knows where El is!” I argued and they just stood there. I looked back at the girl. “Tell me where you took her,” I said threateningly.

“William--we met in a park and he told me about this vampire girl that he claims is his mate. He asked me to get her for him--to get her home with him,” the girl said and I scoffed in disgust.

Home?” Tom muttered.

“So I waited around here all day, yesterday, until I finally saw her walk down the street across from here. I took the chance…William said he’d reward me! So I snapped her neck and he came to me and brought her to his cabin further up north. He said he’d bring me back my mum-- saying he could do some trick with his powers!” She explained nervously. This girl must be a newborn…she’s much too naïve. No vampire has that much skill when turned.

“Come on, show us where his cabin is.” Sam demanded.

“No, I don’t know where it is. William came for her after I snapped her neck, then he snapped mine. I woke up here not long after you attacked me…” she sobbed and ran both hands through her unruly hair. I sighed in frustration.

“Hang on, she just said it’s further north. It wouldn’t hurt at this point to just go up there!” Kelsey argued and I contemplated before nodding in agreement.

“Here, I’ll take care of the girl. You go on.” Emma said and put an arm around the frightened girl.

Sam got in front of us and simply sprinted ahead. We had no other option but to follow his lead.

A/N: Well that chapter totally sucked, but to those reading this story, thank you for actually taking the time to :) xx  Comment, vote--the usual! And if you haven't checked out my other stories, please do so and do the same ;)

Edited December 29, 2013

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