Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Elsie’s POV


Since my first day of hunting, I had learned so much about our kind, from Emma and Samuel, and from things I discovered for myself. All those myths about vampires not being able to go out in the sunlight, or any of that Dracula stuff, weren’t real at all. Sunlight doesn’t affect us in the least bit. Well, actually, after quite a few hours out in the sun sure does some noticeable damage, but other than that vampires are totally fine out in the sun.

Over the years, our little family ended up being a simple family of friends. I think we all realized that I was never meant to be acting as their daughter or something; therefore, we all are just friends—really close friends, even though I felt like a third wheel sometimes because Samuel and Emma are married. To be fair, for people with some age, they’re really fun to be around, as if they hadn’t aged mentally at all, but sometimes I do think it’s because I was the new addition and they felt they needed to act like my age or whatnot.

After a few months living with the Phillips, they gave me my own room—a big one at that, in my standards. I guess Samuel working as a high-ranking doctor and with Emma as a part-time interior designer definitely pays off a lot of things.

One time when I was alone with Emma, she had explained to me about the concept of vampires, well…mating. Apparently, there’s only one partner for each vampire once they find him or her, but sometimes the other partner doesn’t recognize that certain pull that is supposedly felt when the right pair meet. They drink from each other—share blood, in other words…to totally tie themselves to each other. It’s an intimate concept, obviously…. She also told me how Samuel already felt tied to her, even before they got married. It was a sort of pull towards her, though she didn’t feel it as strongly as he did because she was still human.

“Elsie, I’ve no doubt you’ll find your mate one day.” She once told me. Clearly I haven’t yet, and I don’t really want to for that matter. I’ve always valued alone time and I had no intention of giving it up just yet. Love to me consisted of time, and not so much of the concept of love at first sight. When she was done explaining everything to me, I felt like I was getting the “talk” from a mother. It was obviously different from what my aunts told me while growing up, that’s for sure.

Snapping myself out of my thoughts, I looked over at the small wall clock and realized that I should’ve gotten ready ages ago. But then I remembered I’m built with super speed.

Samuel and Emma invited some of their old friends: a group of guys with their mates (girl mates). I was told that they hadn’t seen them in years but have managed to stay in contact through the years, even those turbulent.

Just as I was changing my blouse, Emma came in. “Hey, you ready?” She looked perfect, as always.

“Yeah, just give me a few seconds.” I winked at her and she laughed before leaving my room. I really did only take a few seconds after that, and I made my way downstairs. Shortly after that I heard voices from outside. I knew it was whoever these people are, knowing that the house is very secluded and away from any humans. Only few actually know where this house is.

I didn’t bother taking a seat on the couch anymore and watched as Samuel went outside to greet them and usher them in. One by one they piled in. A man with a shaven head came in first, followed by a taller and pale one with a mess of curly hair; behind them was Samuel who was all smiles just like the first two boys who came in.

Just as Samuel came in three other guys came in, two of them having girls clinging onto their arms. I assumed they were their mates. The dark-ish one with the black, spiked up hair and prominent cheekbones came in on Samuel’s trail, and behind him was another pale-ish one with a pretty blonde girl. Lastly came in this boy, who looked like he was the “youngest” out of all them…definitely not over 20 years old. He had brown hair, which was spiked up as well, and an attractive, yet sloth-like face. I must’ve giggled a little too loudly because he looked at me and gave me a weird look. Apart from that, they all looked so picturesque.

“Sorry,” I muttered, knowing he’d hear me loud and clear. He just kept walking to join the group that was now standing around in the living area. I walked over to them and Samuel introduced me to their friends.

He directed me to the shaven head one first. “Elsie, this is Max. Or Maximilian,” Samuel chuckled, earning a slap on the back of the head from Max. Guess he didn’t like it when people used his full name. I presumed Max was, maybe, just as old as Samuel considering his name.

“Hi, Elsie, you must be the new addition to this happy family of two.” Max shook my hand and we smiled at each other. I instantly knew he was from Manchester by his strong accent.

“Yeah, I have been for six years now,” I chuckled.

Samuel then drew my attention back to the curly-haired one. “And this is James,”

“Call me Jay, lovely one.” Jay shook my hand, and I’m sure if I were still human I would’ve blushed.

“Over there,” Samuel gestured to my left, “Is Siva and Nareesha. Nareesha’s quite new,” Samuel said. So Siva’s the one with the cheekbones…Nareesha’s really pretty, I thought.

“Next to them is Tom and Kelsey,” Samuel gestured to the man with the blonde girl—another pretty one. They both gave small waves and smiles, making me do the same.

“And,” Samuel sang, “last but not least, that’s Nathan.” Samuel finished, pointing at the boy with the brown hair, the one who I assumed to be the “youngest.” He was still looking at me strangely, and I could feel his eyes on me the whole time during introductions.

“Nathan’s not much older than you, from what I know. He’s forever 20!” Tom exclaimed.

“Yep, the baby of our clan.” Jay winked. Ah, so they’re one big clan. I suddenly realized how small this clan I’m in is.

I looked over at Nathan who still had the same look on his face, yet he still managed to look attractive. I managed to tear my eyes away from his green ones, and to everyone else. They looked curiously back and forth at Nathan and me. Then, I didn’t know what it was, but I felt the need to talk to Nathan. Now.

I looked back at Nathan again and he stepped forward to me and placed his hand out for me to shake, still not saying anything, except for a deep and shaky, “Hello.” Hesitantly, I took his hand, but I was taken aback when he grabbed me into a hug instead, a tight one at that.

Odd, I thought. My arms were momentarily at my sides, but seeing as he wouldn’t be letting go any second, I wrapped my arms around him and somewhat relaxed into him. I felt one thing and that was that he felt like home.

What was even stranger is that he started stroking my hair. He was tender, but then he suddenly growled. I instantly stiffened and pushed him back. Everyone saw the scared look on my face. Nathan just had a fierce look on his face.

“Nath, what’s gotten into you?” Max questioned and he pulled me by my shoulders softly, pulling me away from Nathan.

Nathan wasn’t saying anything, standing his ground. I didn’t know what to do, so I ran.

A/N: Wow, that's a pretty long chapter. I'm starting to enjoy this story, so don't be surprised if I upload chapter 3 in the next few hours. Or minutes. Anyway, give this story a chance and stay tuned for it! To anyone who's reading, thanks :) xxx

Edited December 27, 2013

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