"Haha, no. My school sucks."

"At least you have Ryan, Chaz, Selena, and Brandon..."

"Ugh, hate that guy."

"And I hate school."

"Hate is a very strong word."

"I know, that's why I used it."

"Why do you hate school?"

"You see, no one really likes me," I say bitterly.

"What do you mean? Your family likes you, Kendall likes you, Ryan and Chaz like you, Brandon likes you, Johnson likes you, and I like you."

"I mean back home. In my school. Everyone doesn't really like me."

"How come?"

"I don't know."

"There must be a reason," Justin says rolling his eyes, "Did you do anything bad?"

"No?" I answer unsure.

"Whatever fuck them. That's what I do," Justin says giving me an assuring smile

"Don't you actually do though," I say teasingly.

"Oh shut up, Jason," Justin groans pushing me.

"Hey, have you forgotten that you promised me we'll go snowboarding?" I ask as I tuck the money securely in my inside pockets of my sweater.

"Ugh, have you ever been snowboarding before? I don't want it to go like when I taught you how to ice skate."

"No, but cmon it'll be fun! Let's go right now!" I suggest already standing up.

"Eh, today I don't feel like doing anything."

"Cmon, please? For me? I'm bored as fuck here."

"My arm is still injured," Justin says rolling his eyes.

"Fine, I'll just go learn by myself," I state angrily.


"Heck, I'll go with John!"

"I don't care."

"I'll go with the boy from the Iqaluit mall!"


"I'll go with Brandon!"

"Brandon? No, don't do hang out with him," he says furrowing his eyebrows.

"I'm calling him right now," I say clicking his contact.

"Dafuq? How do you have his phone number?" Justin demands getting up from the bed.

I ignore him and wait for Brandon to answer.


"Hey Brandon? Are you doing anything right now."

"No, Ryan just left."

"Wanna hang out?"

"Yes, sure. When?"

"Like right now. What do you say?"

"Sure. Uhm, where?"

"I don't know, but I do know that I want to snowboard. Er, you do know how to snowboard, right? I mean, you're Canadian so yeah..."

"Yes, I know. Should I pick you up?"

"Yeah, I'm at Justin's house. I'll text you the address."

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