Dylan Cooper. Oh gosh...

Even the thought of him made me nervous. It was the second day of the holiday and I already made a new hot sexy friend. Maybe this holiday wasn't going to be as bad as I thought.

I made a decision to take a nap. I shut my eyes.


Once I woke up, it was exactly 3. I put on my swimsuit and tied up my frizzy hair.

I hated my hair.

I made it as neat as possible. I was going to meet him again, I'd better put a good impression. I already drooled in front of him, what more embarrassing things could I do?

I brought my camera along just in case he was interested in a picture together.... Maybe not too fast, Tasha...

I walked out to the beach with my sunglasses and sat at the same place as yesterday. I put on my sun cream and I noticed that I didn't have my iPod with me. Oh my God I dropped it somewhere!!

Stupid fangirling. I couldn't even realise that my iPod wasn't with me. I am such an idiot.

I started crying like a little girl under the tree and covered my face with my towel. How could I be so careless? Now I needed to find it, or worse still, ask my parents for a new iPod. And even worse, I wouldn't even have my iPod for the rest of the holiday.

I thought I had been crying for quite awhile so I decided to stop. I needed to be in the sea right now. That was the only place I wanted to be.

I wiped my face one last time with the towel and I saw someone in front of me holding my iPod. It was Dylan.

"Hey you dropped this at the store just now," he handed it to me.

"Oh my god, I thought..... Thank you so much oh my gosh you just saved my life," I wiped the remaining tears in my eyes and took my iPod.

"Were you crying because of that?"

I sighed, and said, "Yeah I know, I over react sometimes..."

"That's okay," he smiled.


"So can I get the name of this stranger?" he winked at me.

I laughed, "Natasha. But everyone calls me Tasha."

"Hello, Natasha. Want to have a swim?"

"Call me Tasha."

"Why? What's wrong with me calling you with your full name?"

"It's kinda weird. Only my parents call me that,"

"Well, then too bad. I like your name."

I blushed again and we were walking together to the sea.

He got in first and I was fantasizing his every move. He was so perfect.

"You coming in or what?"

I jumped in and the salty water splashed my face. I swam and swam that I didn't realise he was watching me.

And that was when I stopped.

"Why are you stopping?" he asked.

"Because some stranger is observing me."

He laughed and said, "You're not afraid of the sea aren't you?"

I shook my head, "Nope. I love the sea. The only place I want to be when I'm upset."

He nodded his head, "Cool. Most girls I know rather shop. And they are so afraid of the water."

"Well, I guess everyone has their own fears right?"

"What's your fear?" he asked, curiously.

I couldn't tell him, it would be as though I was a weirdo, "Uh, I...-"

"Sorry I asked. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," he smiled.

I sighed in relief, "I'm sorry, it's embarrassing," I looked away.

"That's really okay."

I took a deep breath and we continued to swim until it was sun set. I got out of the water feeling relieved and he followed me to the shady tree. I wrapped myself with my towel but he just had the sexy wet look on him. I couldn't look at him.

"Why do you tie your hair?"

"Uh, because I hate my hair. It's really frizzy and messy."

He suddenly pulled my rubber band down my hair and my hair was as messy and frizzy from the water. I quickly grabbed it from him.

"Did I tell you I had a thing for messy hair?" he teased.

I blushed, "Well, my hair might not be your type of frizzy hair."

"Why not? I'll see you around, Natasha. Maybe tomorrow or something," he smiled and I watched him walk away.

Why am I feeling like this?

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