Chapter Seventeen - He Kissed Back

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"Hey Four!" Christina calls from down the hall. "C'mere for a sec." We both turn around to look at her. She has a smile on her face yet, I see a hint of fear, guilt, sadness? In her eyes. Tobias turns to look at me asking for approval, I nod in reply. I watch as he leaves my side to talk to Christina. I wait.

I see the usual, small talk, a few jokes here and there. Then Christina starts to get a bit too close to Tobias for my liking. Before my head registers it, Christina's lips are on his. My jaw drops as I watch in shock. Her lips move effortlessly against Tobias'. My heart aches. I feel bile threaten to spill out of my mouth. My eyes fill with tears that I refuse to let fall.

He kissed back.




She came on to him and he didn't push away, he didn't fight, he didn't make any kind of attempt to get her off of him. Is this real? Did that just happen? I must be going insane. That didn't happen nothing happened. Right? Wrong.

Christina detaches her lips from his and walks always like nothing happened. She doesn't look back. As she walks away I see her hunch over bringing her hands to her eyes. I turn my gaze over to Tobias. I decided not to talk to him. I don't want to yell at him, not anymore. He's not worth the effort. First, I'll go home. Then I'll get my stuff and leave. He doesn't say a word, he just continues walking to our apartment like nothing happened. He walked away like he didn't just cheat on me with my best friend right in front of me.

I don't want to look at him, not now, not ever. He's dead to me.

"Did you know Christina's getting a puppy? Bichon x Shih Tzu I think." I don't reply, I keep my head and eyes focused on the floor. After what he just did he is honestly brave enough to speak to me?

"Four," I say, not daring to say his real name. "We are done." I snap cold heartedly. His eyes widen and he looks confused.

"What do you mean Tris?" He asks.

"DON'T FUCKING TALK TO ME. YOU'R DEAD TO ME!" I scream. I run into the apartment tears falling freely now. I can't even begin to describe all of my emotions right now. Hurt, betrayal, not only caused by Four but also Christina, anger, sadness.

I grab my suitcase and grab everything of mine that I own. I stuff it all into the suitcase, not bothering to fold anything. Once all my belongings are in the case I look up to see Four silently crying in front of me.

"W-what are you d-d-doing?" He asks stuttering. I turn my gaze away from him. Even though he just cheated on me whilst I was 10 feet away, I can't help but feel pain when I see tears on his cheeks. I'm tempted to go up to him and hug him, kiss him one more time but I stop myself. Not worth it, Tris. Not. Worth. It.

I open the door and storm out, slamming the door behind me. I don't know where to go. I would always go to Christina when Four and I fought but obviously that's not an option. I head over to Caleb's. I raise my hand to the door to knock but just before my knuckles hit the wooden door I hear familiar grunts and moans coming from inside. I sigh and decide to look for Mathew. I knock on the door and after me constantly knocking for a good 15 seconds the door opens. I barge through and slink on to the couch, holding my head in my eyes. I cry then. The tears fall like raindrops. Plop. Plop. Plop. On the wood floor.

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