At lunch i sat down at the table  with  Jordan, Monica and robby. Still thinking about what blake said if he likes me. I don't want people to find out about us because i'm scared  he's just mr. perfect football star gorgeous and popular he desereves to be with Lisa houser the head cheerleader, the one everyone want's to be  not someone like me fat nicole that can't even skip a class.

"Earth to nicole" robby waves his hands infront of my face.

"You okay there?" monica asked

"Yeah just thinking." i stated with a smile

"Oh about lover boy?" monica said 

"No" i said to fast 

"Okay by the way you suck at lying" robby smirked

"so what is going on with you and him?" jordan spoke up this time

"I don't know where just friends" i said with a shrug.

"Friends don't secretly hold hands, or blush whenever they talk to eachother" Monica said

"Well i don't know, so are you guys excited for sunday?" i said changing the subject.

"Yes! i love going to the football stadium" jordan said she love the college campus.

"Yeah tell Aj thanks for getting us the tickets" robby said 

"No problem" i look up  across the lunch room to see blake smiling at  me.

"Ya know starring is creepy?"-Nikki

"I couldn't help it you're just so cute ;p" - Blake

i looked up again and saw him smiling then he stuck out his tounge, instant blush.

"i like it when you blush (: "- Blake  i went to look up again but this time i didn't see him instead lisa was sitting next to him. ugh i really hate her.

"Who? "  Monica asked 

"What?" i said embarressed.

"You said you really hate her, who's her?" robby said

then they look over to see lisa all over him, that's when i left lunch i mean i know he doesn't like her but there's that part that makes me think he does like  her. 

i checked my phone for the time. okay i had ten  minutes untill lunch was over i will just switch my books and go to class early. 

"Hey, where did you go?" -Blake   just ignore him nicole 

"Nicole?" - Blake  whatever buttface i can ignore you watch me, then i feel my phone vibrate i look down and he's calling me.

"Enjoy your lunch i'm fine." - Nikki

"What's wrong nikki?"- Blake

*Driving home*

I succesfully doged Blake the rest of the day atleast it was friday, but it did look like i went to the bathroom like seven times, i just was affraid of what i would say to him if he confronted me.

once i got home i went up to my room i turned my phone off so i would get distracted, and ran a shower. getting out i changed into a big tee shirt with shorts and let my hair dry. 

Turning on some music i grabbed my homework and started working on it. 

Reaching for my science realizing it was my last subject i had homework in.

*knock knock*

" Yeah mom " i said no response 

*knock knock*  

"Mom my door is unlocked." still no repsonse

*knock knock knock* 

omg this is annoying, i get up to  open the door 

"Mom i told you my door was unloc-" cra crap crap

"You weren't answering your phone so i came over" blake said look worried

"Oh yeah i was doing homework" i said not being able to look him in the eyes

"Nicole can i come  in" 

"yeah sure" i openend my door wider 

" So do you want to tell me what's going on angel?" he asked as we sat on my bed

"Nothing goin on" i said a little too harsh

"Oh really why were you avoiding me all day then?"

" i wasn't" i said more like a question


i sighed " i avoidedeyoubecuaseithoughtyouwouldbehappierwithlisa" what did i even say 

"Wanna repeat that so i can understand" he chuckles

"I avoided you because i thought you would be happier with lisa" i said exhaling a breath of air 

"Nicole, why would you think that i would be happier with her?"

"Because you're you mr.popular god like football star and she's the head cheerleader and the girl everyone want's to be, you guy's are the it couple and i'm just fat pathetic nicole." i said finally looking at him. 

"i know  you find this hard to believe but i like you Nicole and it bothers me that you don't seem how beautiful you are. I want you to talk to me when you're upset or just when you're simply bored i want to be the reason  you smile, i want to hear that angelic laugh when you think something is funny, and i want to be the reason you scrunch your nose up when you're confused or angry  like you probably are right now, i may  be star but i am not perfect and i like you just the way you are. You balance me out i feel i can be myself around you , i can't do that with anyone but you, you bring out the best in me and you don't even notice and about lisa i hate her i really do. "

i didn't kow what to do  so i did the only thing that would make sense i kissed him and he kissed back he nibbled on my bottom lip asking for enterence and i happily let him our tounges met each other and danced but he took control i felt his hands on my hips and he lifted me up  so now sitting on top of him straddling my hands were in his hair  and our breathing was in sinc. i felt his hands running up and down my sides and he started rubbing circles on my hips i let out a quite moan and he smiled knowing he got the reaction he wanted, i hadn't noticed that i was lightly moving my body up and down till i felt his happines poking at me.

"omg blake i'm so sorry" i said out of breath

"don't be sweetheart" he  said with a smile

"Do you need anything?" i asked 

"What do you mean by anything?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows  i threw a pillow at him

"Not like that you weirdo, like water or a snake... snack snack i meant snack" i said embaressed covering my face. i felt him come up an hug me.

"You're so perfect you have no idea" he said pulling my hands down

"You're not so bad yourself" i said smiling 

"Do you want to watch a movie?" he asked 

"Yeah let me clear off my bed you go pick a movie" i said 

"Scary or funny?" he asked 

" you can pick" i said pulling up the covers, he picked anchorman. i couldn't be any happier right now he pulled me into him so we were intertwined. 

"hey nikki?" he asked 

"yeah?" i said looking up

"Will you be my girlfriend?" looking at his face i noticed every emotion possible scared,nervous,hopeful.

"Yes" i said and gave him a kiss. 

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