"I'm sorry Klaus that's not my problem" she chuckled.

"Katherina, I know where you are. I will come after you and then get Dalia myself" he snarled.

Katherine didn't doubt he knew where she'd taken residence, he was Klaus he was bound to have some idea, she sighed "I've texted her and tried calling, she's blocked my number"

"She knows it was you that called, she was awake in the car" he shrugged "Just get here, you might lure her out" he smirked "I'm sure she has some words to say"

Kol chuckled lightly shaking his head amused as they got out of the car "I'll get our rooms" he said getting out of the car and walking to the hotel door before opening it and disappearing inside.

Klaus found a parking spot, then got out of the car as walked slowly to the hotel "Listen Katherine, I need you to get here. I will meet you soon"


Klaus grinned cockily as he hung up the phone not allowing her to argue as walked into the hotel. Strolling to the desk where Kol stood. "Penthouse, with the view of Mystic town all free" he smirked. Klaus laughed lightly as he took their keys "Dinner is on me brother" Kol smirked looking at all the people walking through the lobby.

All that was on Klaus' mind was Dalia and where she could be... if she was safe.... was she with Damon or Stefan or Tyler.... who? Of course, Dalia was on Kol's mind, but he was trying to cheer up Klaus a bit, he wanted to find Dalia as much as him. He just knew Dalia more, how she can handle herself, how she thinks twice before she does something. How her instincts are strong and she follows them..... She's a Petrova, she's a survivor.  

Dalia slowly awoke, she had taken a short nap on the big comfy bed. She sat on her hands keeping her up straight, she got off the bed and checked the time.

"I guess my nap wasn't so short after all" she said to herself looking at the clock which read 8pm. She got up off her bed and walked to the wardrobe, she sighed remembering she didn't have any clothes, they were all left in the Mikaelson Mansion. She walked into the bathroom to check how she looked, she pushed her curls back straightened out her clothes .

"Mess" she muttered walking out of the bathroom, she walked to the door and opened it the lamps were on. She walked out of the room and made her way to the stairs, she jogged down and looked around.

"Ty ?" she called out not seeing him around "Tyler ?"  She huffed not knowing where he was, where could he be at 8pm? She started to make her way back to the stairs when she saw something stuck to the inside of the front door.

I'm just gone to get you some clothes, I know you left them all with the Originals so Elena and I are going shopping for you. Whatever you want is in the fridge, make sure to get some sleep and don't let anybody in the house. See you when I get back hopefully I won't be gone long.
Tyler :)

She sighed pulled the note down off the door "Why am I always left with bloody notes ?" she asked rhetorically "Great I'm talking to myself, how sane" she said sarcastically, she started to make her way to the kitchen. She used her telekinesis to open the fridge door, she walked over and check what there was to eat. She pursed her lips seeing what to have, she shrugged and pulled out things to make a sandwich, she quickly made it and walked into the living room. She sat and ate watching the tv waiting for Tyler, when she finished her food he still wasn't home.

She didn't want to wait up late so she just went to her room, she turned off the light. As she walked to her bed she heard tapping, she looked around her room, there wasn't any sign of anyone. But there was another tapping sound, she turned on her lamp and huffed as the tap came again, she looked and saw a pebble hitting her window.

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