Chapter 30

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No fucking kidding! I am in a mood to kill everybody on this planet!

Maybe if life can be simpler or maybe just more fun, is what everyone wishes for but then God planned to throw in some surprise elements to make the bright light more important to you. There maybe stillness in your life but that just increases the importance of movements.
Right now, Still and dark was how Athena's mind was. She sat numbly in front of her laptop as the office colleague were in the same working mood. Some standing in that long queue of copy machine. Some flying files, yelling orders. But Dianna didn't fail to notice the Athena. She has never Athena so stoned and distracted. Her puffy eyes, not-so-Athena outfit told her that she has not really taken any time to dress up. Walking in, in the office in flip flop is the last thing Athena would do.
Edwin stood near his private jet while the last technical checking went. His thought train was literally stuck between a mess.
What should I be more sad about? My father or Athena? He asked himself.
His eyes felt the tears for the first time since the time Athena left him at New York apartment.
He wanted to be angry at everything and anything but somehow he was out of energy to be angry. Simply drained and lifeless.
How time has the power is wonderful. Just twelve hours and the scenario is changed from a romantic happy date to a nasty daydream coming true for Athena. The three bouquets which were given by Edwin still rested in her office room but they were not full of life. They were purely destroyed over the short time along with the destroyal of Athena.
"Justin need some help with the photoshoot and titles for the next month magazine." Dianna said as she entered Athena's cabin.
Athena's eyes still remained on the laptop. Dianna closed her eyes and went near Athena.
"Ath, you've got to tell me something so that I can help you out." she said softly as her hand perched on Athena's shoulder.
"Huh?" Athena asked with her eyes now taking in the surrounding.
"Okay. Now let me handle this. Come on, we're going for a cuppa' coffee." she said as she grabbed Athena's purse.
"Huh?" Athena asked.
"No questions Athena. Just.... Come. Please for the sake of our friendship!" Dianna pleaded and Athena nodded as she stood.

Edwin still stood there absent-mindedly when someone informed that the plan is ready to take off. His mind and heart still waiting and expecting that she will come along with him but there were no signs of her. Matthew observed this but how can he help his Master? Edwin is still like a friend to him. But there is always this turn in this life where no one can help you but you, yourself. In someone's life there maybe only one such turn but in some other's life, their life maybe full of such turns. When his mother died, he sobbed alone while his father kept mum and cried silently. They both were not able to get over her death. No one handled them but they themselves. John wanted to help Edwin at that time but Edwin never let anyone close to handle him. He felt like it's their pity and not help.
Today he is in the same situation. He loved his dad. He was like a lion which he idolized. A never born before superman in Edwin's life. What tore him apart is that today is missing his superman but his superman is far far far away from him. By far, we really mean far.
"Master, we must leave now for the death ceremony." Matthew said softly.
Edwin closed his eyes and let the tears slip out of his eyes as he in the jet.
It must have been His one of the great plans where he will let the world know that Love is what this planet gives and takes.
"Matthew can you stay here and ensure Ms. Myers's safety? Don't let her do anything reckless. She can be a bit... Messy and angry when she is down." Edwin said as he wore his shades.
"Master, Er... I will follow your orders but if you grant my one wish then please let me tell you something as your elder brother." Matthew said for the very first time, Edwin saw his eyes sparkling with tears of sorrow? Affection? Love?
We can never see a bodyguard cry but they are soft by heart that at this point we can almost overlook the strong great physique they possess.
"I always thought of you as my family. When did family member start asking for permission to tell something?" Edwin said and though he was depressed with alot of thoughts, momentarily Matthew brought a small weak smile on Edwin's face.
"Master, if you really love Ms. Myers, don't be bothered about losing her because you never lose anyone who is part of you. I can see how you both connect Master. Mr. Leo's last wish will be true. Have faith. Mr. Leo wants to see you happy right now forever." Matthew said vut by the end of this, his tears rolled down anyways in spite of controlling and Edwin was left speechless. He hugged Matthew tightly like he is trying to have faith and lean on the last hope, Matthew gave him.
"Promise me, Matthew. Promise me, things will be better. My Dadda, will be back to hug me and pat me when I do something great."
"Master, I assure you that he will. Crying will only sadden him and you don't want that." Matthew said.
The two big boys, hugging and crying. The pilot distorted his face in disgust, boys never cry! He thought to himself.
But they do because they're human just like females. Infact crying makes them human and more attractive to some kind of women.
As they entered the jet, Edwin waved for the last time as Matthew stayed back to follow his Master's order to look after Athena. If Athena was determined to be close, Matthew is not that weak to be defeated. You gotta' be really strong to stop a bodyguard from doing what he is ordered to.

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