Chapter 29

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See... I am improving day by day in updating faster. :p
And whoa! You're gonna like this chapter is what I have a feeling.
Again, highly unedited.

Again, highly unedited

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Aaand.. This photo is of my boyfriend (PIZZA), I know he looks yummy but don't swoon much, he is TAKEN! :D
Lol, his father is 'New York Slice' !!! :p


"Ath, the security guy says that someone is waiting for you. It's six sooo... " Dianna trailed off smirking and giving her the signal that it's Edwin.
"I still have work. Tell him to go at his place and come at my place by... 8 pm." Athena said as she kept on typing like Usain Bolt.
"Boring Athena." Dianna muttered as she groaned and walked off.
Athena's eyebrows were closely knitted in concentration as she kept on typing with a pen in between her teeth. Her hair looked like a mess just like the mess of paper on her desk.
Edwin wanted to call for her but instead he just kept on staring at his girlfriend without blinking as he was leaning on the door of her room.
Her eyes roamed around for a particular document of her article when she noticed that someone us standing near her door.
Her eyes rounded in shock, she chocked on the pen between her lips and dropped it. He chuckled as he came near and opened the bottle for her to drink.
"Mr. Forbes, I did like you to know that this is my office. You get it, OFFICE. The place where I work? Well, so you can't come whenever uou wish to because I don't own this magazine." she said as she narrowed her eyes.
He raised one eyebrow and kissed her lips only to see her shock again. He laughed again.
"You, You.... You get out of here right this moment before I call the security to kick your ass." she screamed as she got up and opened the door.
"Aww... Look at my girlfriend. All threatening me and all. But I'm afraid to let you know that nobody can touch me... Oh not even your boss." he said and somehow his voice turned her on. He walked upto her and closed the door as he pinned her to the wall.
"You know what I love the most? Your sweet lovely threats. You sounds so sexy when you're angry." he whispered as his mouth roamed to her neck.
"Edwin... I'm serious if you won't back off now then... No sex for one week and plus no... Date tonight." she said as her eyes twinkled with a evil spark.
He frowned as he stood good distance away from her.
"Fine. Just when do you think we can start our date?" he enquired with his arms crossed like a baby. She smiled at him.
"Come at my place by 8 pm. I'll be ready by then." she said as she sat on her chair and starter with her work again.
"Ahh... Athena? Baby? Don't you think it'll be too late?" he asked cautiously.
"Go before I cancel the date." she said raising her eyebrow.
He scrambled out angrily groaning as Athena chuckled.
When she left her office place, Dianna dropped her to her place by 7 pm and she immediately went to her wardrobe only to see that there are too many clothes but still not much to wear tonight.
"Oh man.... I have to go shopping and I donr have muxhe money to shop from some awesome shop. Urgh... " she cried.
She decided that since she was too bored to wear any dress as she wears them most of the time to work, she settled for jeans. All she wanted in her life was a sexy cocktail dress for tonight. Is that too much she was asking for?
It was 7:45 pm when she came out of the shower and again searched for a nice Top. She finally saw a white lace and frilly bershka jacket and teamed it a simple pink top and blue ripped jeans. Still not satisfied with the outfit, she went to make up a bit. Applying eyeliner was the biggest task to draw winged eyeline and dabbed some concealer on her zits and freckles and dark eye circles. Oh the pain of applying eyeliner. She kept on trying the winged pattern until she saw that it's eight already and someone knocked.
She was still in her towel wrapped around.
"Who's that?" she asked across the door.
"It's Me." came the voice of the sexiest man alive.
She opened the door and eyed his outfit. He was wearing black shirt with Brown leather jacket and dark blue jeans teamed with woodland brown boots.
"I don't have clothes for the date." she said with her voice breaking and her head hung low.
Edwin closed the door behind him and smirked at her avatar.
"Well, I like your towel." he said as his eyes roamed to the hem of the towel.
She rolled her eyes.
"That's because you it's exposive and you can get your way easily." she said as she continued applying her eyeliner.
"Whoa! I like the top." he said picking up the straps of the pink top.
"That's so simple and boring. Don't say that just to make me happy." she said as she finally completed her make up.
"Now turn around." she ordered as shs picked up the clothes.
"Don't be coy. We've had sex like so many times. I have seen you naked." he smirked.
She blushed so hard at his words. He laughed at her and she hit him playfully.
She went the bathroom to change. When she came out, Edwin was smiling as he was half sleeping on the bed.
He gestured her to come near him. She did.
"Do I look okay?" she asked with her lips pulling a pout.
He ruffled her hair and said,"More than okay. You look cute." he said as he held her close and kissed her cheeks.
"When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change. Cause you're amazing, just the way you are..." he sang as his fingers removed the concealer dabbed on her marks and freckles and dark circles. She laughed as she kept a hand on his biceps.
"That's a song."
"I know. Which describes what I truly want to say." he said as he continued removing her make up.
"I like you better this way." he whispered when he was done. She stared intensely at him before kissing him deeply. Her lips felt soft and plumy and she taste like a chocolate.
As the kiss went on, she pulled his jacket off and to his belt. He stopped her. The room was filled with husky breathing and their desire to have more.
"You've to eat something." he said as he pulled away and smiled at her frown.
"Or maybe you no longer like me and so you backed off." she said crossing ger arms.
"God! Woman, do you always have to predict something so negative? I seriously want you to eat before we have sex. Is that difficult to understand?" he asked as he groaned.
"Well, sometimes I do over think." she said as she shrugged off.
"You need to have enough self love to get rid of such thoughts." he said as he put on his jacket and styled his hair again.
"Yeah Yeah... Now it's already 8:30 pm, are you done?" she asked with one eyebrow raised at him.
"Sure." he said kissing her cheeks and leaving for their date.
"Mhmmm... The heaven! Oh Good Lord! The cake is soooo good."she moaned as she chewed on the cake.
"You what is more heavenly... If you fucking stop moaning then it will be heavenly for me." he said as his expression gave away the pain he wqs bearing.
"What? It's because of cake. I think I'm having orgasm." she said smirking.
"That's it. You're no more eating that cake. Come on, we have to go home. It's 10 already and we have somewhere to go." he said calling the waiter with his eyes for the bill.
"Oh you don't want to have the cake piece?" she asked and grabbed his cake piece before he can answer.
He narrrowed his eyes at her.
"You're gaining some serious pounds. Don't complain later."
Her brown eyes rounded and she immediately stopped eating.
God! I don't wanna be fat. Oh no no no... I have to workout.
Edwin smirked internally and offered her, his arm. She linked her arm as they went for a ride.
"Well, you know I won't love you any less if you gain some pounds." he said as he drove to a place which Athena will definitely love at this time when it's dark.
"Aha? And what about my clothes? I don't want to tear them apart. Besides, I don't wanna lose my figure." she said with her face nervous and thoughtful. He chuckled when he saw her expression.
"I love your figure and all but you don't need to try anything to impress me baby. I'm already impressed." he said trailing his eyes on her body and she rolled her eyes and hit his arm.
"Eyes on the road." she hissed.
"Ah, Whatever so... Athena, would you like some fresh air?" he asked as they reached the beach.
Her eyes twinkled instantly and she went out of the car immediately as he stopped the car.
"Oh My God! I love this. Let's go sit on those rocks far there." she said pointing to the rocks where he knew walking on those rocks will be a big task.
"You're wearing heels!" he pointed.
She gasped before a planned lit up her mind. She spread her arms and tilted her face.
"Pick me up?" she asked.
He rolled his eyes.
"I think you have gained weight." he muttered as he picked her up.
She gasped and looked at him.
"What? You think so? You can't pick me up? See, I told you, you should have stopped me from having the dessert. But you encouraged me."
"God! You're so gullible. I was joking and besides I love it when you eat properly rather than starve."
"You are definitely one hell of a boyfriend." she muttered as she wrapped her arms around his neck and stared at the waves.
"Baby, wanna go swim?" he asked.
"Ha! As if you don't know that I can't swim." she said.
"Well, I was thinking maybe I can teach you right now?" he whispered as he hold her closer and grinned.
"Or maybe... You can swim alone." she said and before Edwin could say anything, his phone rang.
"Go ahead take the call. I'll just sit here." she said as he put her down and he answered the call. The language he was speaking was so different and so she was not able to understand a word.
When he cut the call, she saw his face falling and the tension in his body but just before she could comment, he changed his expression to a smile.
"Who was that darling?" she asked as she hugged him.
"Ahh... Just Maggie informing me about John and Rachel's visit to the palace and all. Nothing important." he shrugged off and took off his shirt and jacket.
Boy! He sure did work out!
"C'mon remove your jacket, top and jeans." he asked as he smirked.
"No no no... I can't do that here."
"Oh don't be a party pooper!"
"Party pooper? Since when is this considered a party?"
"Scratch that. Just... Come. Nobody is here anyways." he said offering his arn and she removed her clothes and stood in front of him in his black and pink inner.
His hands roamed around her body as they made their way into the sea.
Sea full of happiness or sadness? That is yet to be known.
You may know someone drowning or maybe someone flying or maybe someone just landed on earth in peace but you will never know if this girl, Athena is happy, sad, puzzled, tangled or sorted until and unless you're Edwin, because... She herself has no idea what state she is in. They say women can be hard to understand but here hard is not even a word to describe how difficult she really is.
Sometimes she herself feel deeply shocked of her state.
Pushing apl the thoughts aside, she let the cool breeze hit her thought train and her body closer to Edwin. He dipped his head down and knew the very moment of her state. Smiling, he wrapped his arm around his girlfriend and kissed her hair.
"I was just wondering what can go wrong ay this moment because I feel something is going to happen. Something which will destroy me maybe. But I am not afraid of me getting destroyed." she mused.
"In my arms? What can happen wrong here? This is my heaven in my arms and my heaven is invincible." ge said referring her as his heaven.
"And when exactly did my not so talkative boyfriend start talking literature like this?" she joked as she chuckled and looked up in his green eyes.
"Anything which gives you that comfort that in no ways you will be destroyed, baby." he whispered as he moved her hair strand away from her cheeks to kiss her.
She laughed and tried to push him off when he started kissing all over her face.
"This...Will never end so now... Let's go home. I wanna sleep!" she said as she pouted.
"Let's go." he smirked.
The ride waa silent as she was trying to sleep but all she was able to think was the bad thoughts screaming in her head that she is late and she is going to be destroyed.
I'm late? For what? She brooded as she hugged herself.
"Hey,here... My jacket. Wear this." Edwin ordered with his eyes on road.
"I am not feeling cold. It's okay." she said as she sighed and faced the window.
He sighed and then prevailed in his cold voice,"Wear it before I take you to my hotel room rather than your apartment."
She closed her eyes as she layed the jacket on her top.
Something is really bothering when she is not fighting with me for being bossy. He thought as sighed deeply and drove silently.
It was when Athena was ready to sleep when Edwin asked her finally.
"What is it that is bothering you suddenly?" he asked looking straight in her brown eyes.
"Nothing at all. It's just... You know keep getting such thoughts. Nothing great. My intuitions are never on... point." she shrugged off as she set the quilt to sleep.
"Women intuitions going wrong? That must be really the biggest lie I have heard." he said dryly.
"It's just... these thoughts that I am... I will be destroyed. And I deserve that...pretty much." she said looking away.
"No Athena... Look at me. So you regret being with me? Or... Or do you have any problem with me doing everything possible to be with you? What is it? Remember the time when you would just come at my apartment and hug me so close saying that you love to hug me? And.. and the time when you would just come at my place to have muffins baked by me? The time when you said that being with me is the time when you feel the most secure? I am the same guy with different last name. Why does that matter our relationship? I am still with you with the same warmth which need to feel secure again. Nobody can destroy you." he said and as his voice trembled, she sensed the rise if his worry.
"I still do. I still do feel your warmth and same sense of security." she whispered as she hugged him. This time, they both just stayed silent and slept in each other's arms.
It was 2:47 am in the morning when Edwin's cell phone rang for the fourth time. Irritated and not wanting to wake up Athena, he picked up the call as he went near the window. Athena rubbed her eyes to see where Edwin is and she found him standing away with a cryptic expression. The dim light of tge bedside lamp which was on the whole night as Athena can't sleep, showed a twinkle in Edwin eyes and she froze knowing that it's his tear shining.

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