Chapter 28

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I know you probably want to kill me for updating like what seems like after one whole century. Sorry but you know I'm not late, it's just that time goes really really really fast. -_-
Ahh! Then I have some excuses like I have work and college and social media to attend to. Ahh... Let's not forget, that I was not getting that right feel to write.
Okay, okau.... I know I'm pathetic in punctuality. Forgive me? *gives you my most famous and irresistible puppy dog eyes*
Oh and also it's highly unedited. 
Love you guys for being so awesome!  :*

And this is like the nth time, Athena and Edwin looked at each other to just glare.
Why the hell was she acting bitchy with Lisa? He thought as he continued staring at the file in his hand.
Defending that bitch? Playing hard to get him will definitely not give him anything! She thought as she slipped in her clothes. They were at Athena's place and acting stranger to each other. The bell rang and Athena opened the door to see Mathew holding a bag and some files in his hand.
"Ms. Myers!" he greeted as he handled her the stuff.
"Thank you Matthew... Good night!" Athena said sweetly as she hugged him. Matthew noddee with his red cheeks as he went away.
Edwin narrowed his eyes at the exchange and quickly returned to his work before Athena could notice him.
"Hm.. I smell something burning." Athena said sniffing around and finally stopped when she came near Edwin.
"The smell is coming from here, I guess." Athena said acting as if she is confused and Sat besides Edwin as she sniffed near his chest.
Edwin rolled his eyes as he ran his hand through his hair and closed the file.
"I'm not jealous!" he growled.
"I never said so." she said in a sing song way.
"Aha? I smelt the same smell back in the ice cream parlor." he said smirking.
"Nope. I waa just saving your ass from the legal documents you will have to go through if you're caught dating your... assistant?" she said in a suggestive tone.
"No, she is my father's friend's daughter who is learning from me." he said with his eyes darting to her neckline.
"Mhmm... Definitely learning a lot from you then I guess. So were you teaching her how to moan while eating a stupid ice cream.?" she asked smiling fakely.
"No. But I guess I will now that you've suggested me. Anyways, you don't let me teach you something, do you?" he asked challengingly.
"I don't need to learn anything from you." she said narrowing her eyes.
"You do. First thing to learn is manners. Table manners." he said amd ofcourse he was referring to the comments she passed on Lisa at ice cream parlor.
"Second thing is to listen to.someone's suggestions and try to look through their point of view because not everyone wants bad to happen to you." he said and she can seriousness in the air.
"You know what? Why should I even liste-" she stormed angrily but Edwin cut her in her tracks.
"Third thing you need to learn is to forgive people because not everyone wants to hurt you everytime." he said looking straight in her angry brown eyes.
"There are many more things like how you always love to build walls around your emotional self and never let anyone break them." he said as his voice grew softer and his eyes absorbed every flaw on her face.
"I don't how much more uptight you can be by not accepting the most beautiful and simple fact that I am in love with you." he said as his attention drew on her watery eyes.
Her vision blurred as she hung her head low to not let him see her tears. She bit her lips to stop the sob.
"You're right. But this is me." she spoke in a low voice trying her best not to crack her voice.
"And this is me." he said resting his hands on her thigh.
"Don't try to change me." she said looking away.
"And you have already changed me but for good and that is why you're my soulmate." he said.
"Now... Now is my turn Athena. My turn to look after you. To make sure that you do things which are best for you. Best for your heart. I know how much you hate to break relations. You cry and end up miserably by shutting the doors just because a relation ended. Forget about you, you can't even see people breaking bond with another person. My point is why do you not want to call up your family? When I know you miss them." he said softly.
"And they don't miss me. They have practically abandoned me. And I'm okay. I'm not sad about the fact that I don't have a relation with my family which I should have. I still love them but just thw relationship is not healthy for me. I can't breath the air they want me to breath. I can't." she said as she hugged him and cried.
"Shh... I understand. I support your this decision. But I as well know that you want to talk to them. You don't totally want to cut the link, do you?" he asked rubbing her back.
"No. No, I don't. I wanna talk to them but they have not called me once. No body accept my sister but that was long time back." she said with her cracking voice and in between sobs.
"They will call you, baby. They will. They just need time. Trust me." he said smoothing her hair and hugging her tightly.

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