Chapter 15

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I believe that books should be so powerful that it sticks you to itself. You all have that one book on Watt-pad who's Update you are waiting for. Is my book the one for you? It's okay if it's not because when it will be completed I am sure that you will share my book with your friends. :)

"We have completed one year today. You want some celebration? Stella was saying that we should plan something grand for this day." Edwin asked.

They are his apartment and it's weekend. Athena has completed her degree but she wants to do something with writing in a decent magazine. She is looking for a job and at the same time she is even writing for a small online magazine.

"Uh no... Completing one year is not something we should be so happy about. I think that way." she said typing rapidly on his laptop.

"I am glad that you are not acting like those girls who celebrates even after one week." he said settling beside her on the couch with a beer bottle in his hand.

"Hmm. But we should do something. Like just two of us." she said turning to look up at him with a small shy smile.

Edwin choked on his on beer and Athena rubbed his back to relieve him.

"You okay?" she asked worriedly and setting his laptop on the coffee table.

"Yeah. It's not every time that you talk about having sex." he said.

"You're pervert. I was talking about a date. It's been one year and you have not asked me out on a date." she said rolling her eyes and banging her fist on a pillow.

He pulled her in his arms and kissed her hair. "And what about the times when we went for lunch together, had coffee together and then what about park visits? They were not dates?" he asked kissing her neck.

She moaned and looked up at him. "They were not official dates." she said.

"Okay. Then..." he said gently pulling her aside and bending on his one knee in front of her. She adjusted her pupil on his position.

"Athena Brandon Myers, will you do the honor of going on a dinner date with me?" he asked her taking her right hand in his hand. She smiled the happiest smile.

"Sure Mr. Edwin Antonio Leo Stuart." she teased. He groaned and gave her a hard look. "Why do you always irritate me with that long name?" he asked.

"Because my cutie sweetie pie looks so cute when pissed off." she said pulling his cheeks with a pout.

"Oh shut up. Now tell me when should I pick you up?" he asked getting up.

She checked her watch and smiled up at him. "Pick me up by seven from my place. My father and mother will be there so be good to them and don't be nervous." she said getting up.

Her seven o'clock means eight past half. About her parents, they still don't know about Edwin and Edwin is now nervous to meet them for the very first time.

"Okay. What should I wear?" he asked her. "Oh god! You're my boyfriend and i am a big shopaholic. How can you not know what to wear on a date?" she said.

"Because it's so boring to chose clothes." he said.

"Okay. So wear something casual. I am okay with that. Just be careful that you impress my parents with your appearance." she warned. Her reply just made him more nervous about his first meet with her parents.

"Hmm. I'll drop you at your place now since you have to get ready and you take forever to select clothes." he said and this made Athena narrow her eyes on him. "At least I don't do make up. My time is only consumed in selecting clothes which is every girl's birth right. anyways I am rarely late. Always punctual and you on the other hand, are always late." she gave her speech.

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