Chapter 16

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This song stuck my head the moment I started writing this chapter. It perfectly suits this chapter. Like it just came out of nowhere on my tongue. This means that the Song is suppose to be here for this chapter.
Say something I'm giving upon you- Christina Aguilera.

Okay guys, you see I may point out a stereotypical idea about Greek culture but lemme' tell you that be proud of that Greek culture because I am proud of it. It may sound narrow minded to some but it's not typical to all the Greek people. I am NOT trying to generalize any statement about Greek culture. I don't intend any caste-ism but I do intend to say that Greek people have a close knitted family and that's it. So if any lawyer comes knocking at my door for this chapter, let me tell you I am good at convincing at some points, so you better not haul any lawyer ass against me. 

And did I tell you guys that I am turning into a vampire? Yes, I am. The whole night I'll be awake and then when it comes to morning walk, I'll ditch my friend and sleep in the morning. So basically I am a vampire except that I can't see blood so forget about drinking it. :p

"Maya and Dexter are going good. I am happy that finally the fight between them ended." Mrs. Myers said when the Myers family was sitting on the couch watching a sappy show. Dexter is Athena's brother-in-law, Maya's husband. Maya and Dexter recently had a fight but now everything is sorted.

"She should know that she has to adjust make their life work together." Mr. Myers commented. Sometimes her Greek culture struck her so hard that she ends up being like a typical Greek momma!

Athena shut her laptop and gave a deep thought to it.
Did I ever adjust according to Edwin? No, never. She thought.

"Uh... I'll be off to sleep now. Good night." Athena said as she went to her room.

Athena is a night person. She will be lazy all day and at night she will work like a robot. Basically she is sort of vampire.

"So I don't adjust! Nor does he. His arms are perfect to sleep in. Did I ever fight with him for real?" she told to herself as she laid on her bed with her finger on her lips thinking intensely.

"I like him. Yes, I do. But I don't like girls around him. He likes me. And maybe this is love? What? Are you crazy? What if... What if you are just over thinking? What if he doesn't loves you? Or.." she asked herself loudly as she stood in front of the mirror.

She narrowed her eyes at her own image. "Do I love him?" she asked the mirror.

"Will you like if tomorrow he will marry some other girl?" she asked crossing her arms.

"No. Then is it surely love? Okay, will you like it if you see his face on Sunday mornings?" she asked her image.

She smiled slowly as she realized that the answer of that question is really What it truly means.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I love him." she shouted loudly jumping like a monkey.

She wanted to confess now. She cannot wait anymore. She cannot wait to listen to his answer.

Edwin on the other hand was staring Athena's photo. How should he confess her that he loves her?

"Can you be anymore of a coward?" he asked himself. First he thought of taking John's advice but later he dismissed the idea. He will do it himself. He can confess his love for Athena. He will.

Athena had a speech prepared by tonight to confess Edwin. She has three perfect speeches and she is suppose to say it to Edwin. The whole night she tried sleeping but the anxiety did not let her sleep till 3:00 am and when she finally woke up by 7:00 am again, the first thing she did was getting ready which is rare because Athena starts getting ready for the day only after one hour of waking up. She wore a pink sundress and black simple one inch heels. Today is Monday which means Edwin will be working from nine to five according to Athena. It was eight am already so she skipped her breakfast and went straight for a taxi.

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