Chapter 8

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One of my favorite music artist- Meghan Trainor. She is awesome,right?

No good for you by Meghan Trainor! Go ahead and find what sucks in rich guys according to Athena. ;)



"Stella, just forget that guy. He is no good for you. You know he is titled as jerk of the college and still you dated that asshole!" Athena consoled her friend who was crying her heart out in college washroom.

"It's not his fault. I am wrong. I should have not shouted at him.I shou-"

"You should have what? Stella, he should have not used you like a tissue. He steals your heart by showing how much he loves you. He drove you in that fancy car and took you to all the most expensive place. You thought that he loves you, whereas all that money is of no value for him. Stella, get into your senses. He was double dating, to put it into a harsh way." Athena bust out.

Stella continued crying and that just made Athena think of a prank to show James a good way to hell on earth. As her lectures were over, she bunked practicals and went straight into parking with Anna. Anna is the queen of pranks and she gave the idea to destroy James's Mercedes. They got to pink and black color spray can to print his white Mercedes. Jerk! After printing it they went to hide in the parking zone so that they can see his reaction.

When James saw his car, he called someone and the way he did bark on the phone made Athena proud of the little stunt.

He continued swearing and pulling his hair in frustration. Athena made sure she had all the pictures of that jerk to flaunt the whole college, that what an ass James is.

After that, they left and Athena was almost at her work place when a small red car pulled in front of her. She was about to burst at the driver when Edwin stepped out of the driver's seat. He smiled broadly at her. Athena smiled back as she stepped near him.

"Hey, we meet again. I was just on my way to my place." he said. Maggie peeped out and gave Athena a bright smile with her blue eyes.

Athena first started thinking of all the possible things between the blue eyed girl and Edwin. Her eyes narrowed on Edwin as she asked him,"And she will be?"

"Oh, my sister. Maggie she is Athena, my friend and Athena she is Maggie." he said.

Athena released the tension she.was holding. She was praying that he is not committed. She did not realize that it's a bit of jealousy sparkling but it was.

"Nice to meet you, Maggie but you'll don't look like siblings." she said again narrowing her eyes at Edwin.

Edwin was nervous that she did not buy his crappy story.

"Master and mine skin color is same. We both have that perfect tanned skin." Maggie said immediately.

"Master?" Athena asked raising her eyebrow.

"She... She calls it to tease me because... Yeah because I hate the ring to that word." he said smiling at her nervously and giving the deadliest look to Maggie.

"Yeah that's what I meant. Nothing like I am his cook and he is my boss. Nothing like that at all." Maggie said to clean the mess she created but only made it worse.

"Cook? When did I say that you are his personal chef." Athena said in utter confusion.

"Athena I know she sounds gibberish. Because believe me she is pathetically ranting all the time. So now why don't I drop you till Jacob's place." he said diverting the topic.

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