"Of course." Masaomi smile. "We should have a couple of moms picture frames, so how about I look for them?"

"Okay." Fae smiles, clasping her hands together. Masaomi riffles through the cupboards by the television. Fae, Ema and Yuusuke follow him, watching expectantly.

"Oh, here they are." Masaomi holds out some wooden frames, smiling. "A little dusty but they'll do." He turns back around, reaching into the back as Ema marvels at the frames, marvelling at the idea of family photos on display. "I also found some other great things lying around in here." Masaomi removes a thick green covered book. Fae purses her lips before her eyes widen.

"Photo albums." Fae breaths as she takes them hastily from Masaomi. They settle back down on the sofa, looking through memories.

"The party's here, guys!" Tsubaki announces from the second floor. "well, well, well; looks like you've already started without me. Are we having fun?" He leans across the railing.

"We have photo albums!" Wataru waves one around at him. Tsubaki begins to descend the stairs as Ema flicks through the pages, fascinated at the pictures.

"Aww! Is this Masaomi holding baby Yuusuke?" Ema asks.

"That's right." Masaomi smiles, leaning forward to get a better look.

"Hey! Don't look at that stuff!" Yuusuke shouts, his face turning red.

"What about me? What about me?" Wataru shouts excitedly, squirming in place.

"I think you're in this album." Masaomi opens up another album, flicking through the pages.

"Huh?" Wataru's face drops. "There aren't that many photos."

"Because you haven't been alive for that long." Hikaru reasons, but Wataru still pouts.

"Don't worry, I have lots of pictures of you." Fae messes up his hair.

"Oh, Natsume and Subaru..." Ema gazes at a photo, lips parting. They look close, and happy. She'd never seen them look like that; especially not together.

"Yeah, back then Suba was seriously stuck to Nat like glue." Kaname chuckles as he looks up.

"And so adorable." Fae giggles with a beaming smile.

"Don't you have a photo album?" Hikaru asks. Both girls go silent and Ema looks up at Fae, worry mixing in her features. Before Masaomi could say anything, Fae quickly cut him off.

"We do! It's just, it's kind of, um..." Fae was at a loss for words.

"Broken." Ema adds. Fae nods quickly.

"Yeah; from the years of me flicking through it, it's sure to be tattered." Fae smiles nervously.

"So you like photography?" Hikaru asks as he leans on his palm. A faint smile appears on her face as she looks fondly down at the album, her hand unconsciously moving over her chest, just below her collar bone.

"Yeah, I love photography." Fae beams, the grin on her face replicating a child's. They'd all seen Fae happy and smiling, annoyed and mysterious, teasing and fun, but they didn't think they had seen her childishly happy about photos. Then Yuusuke picks up a photo.

"What about this one? It was laying between the pages. Is it Tsuba-bro?" He asks.

"I think that might be Azusa." Masaomi leans over to take a closer look.

"It's rare to see a photo of him by himself." Kaname comments as he leans over Masaomi.

"Tsubaki and Azusa were always together, after all." Hikaru adds.

Fae, Ema and Family (Brothers Conflict x OC)Where stories live. Discover now