"He considers you as a threat" she laughed shaking her head amused at the mere thought.

"That's because I am a threat Dalia" he smirked moving his hands from her neck handing her the bracelet, which she quickly put on.

"You're a threat to people you need to be a threat to, but I'm not one of those people" she smiled cockily.

"Cockiness doesn't suit you darling" he teased standing off her bed, she arched an eyebrow and slightly hurt his head.

He laughed feeling the slight stinging pain "Everything suits me" she said getting out of the bed "Now leave, I'm getting changed" she said leaving his head alone. Kol smirked and blurred out of the room, she got dressed and walked out of the room. She walked down to the end of the stairs a smirk formed on her lips. "How may I help you Rebekah ?" she asked looking over her shoulder at Rebekah who was at the top of the stairs.

"You're going somewhere later" she said walking down the stairs "You don't have any nice clothes"

"Geez thanks" she scoffed sarcastically "Where am I going exactly?"

"Out for drinks" Rebekah said now standing beside her.

Dalia raised an eyebrow "You, are bringing me for drinks" Dalia asked not believing what she was hearing.

Rebekah laughed "I wouldn't be caught dead having a drink with you" she said walking pasted her "I was told to bring you shopping, so that's what I'll do"

"I have no money" Dalia said crossing her arms.

"We live in a mansion Dalia we have money and even better compulsion" she smirked walking away

"This is gonna be a long day" Dalia sighed walking after her.

Boarding house ----

"Tyler what do you mean you thought you smelt a different scent ?" Stefan asked as the three of them walked back to Dalia's room, it had been a day and they hadn't thought of a plan.

"I smelt something else but it wasn't as strong as Klaus" he said walking into the room.

"This is pointless Lockwood" Damon huffed leaning against the door frame.

"Katherine" he said looking at them "She was in her room"

"I knew we couldn't trust Dalia" Stefan sighed almost disappointedly.

Suddenly Damon and Tyler exchanged the same look.

"It's not her Stefan" Damon said still looking at Tyler.

"She was taken, by Klaus" Tyler said looking at Stefan "Human doppelganger, Katherine gives her up so Klaus is off her back and he gets his hybrids"

"Hello?" someone called out from downstairs.

All three boys shared a look before they blurred down stairs and saw Bonnie in the hallway.

"Hey, Stefan called me" she said looking at them confused.

They looked to Stefan "I like Dalia too okay and I believed you guys when you said she wouldn't just leave" he said smiling proudly.

"Okay, but why is witchy here?" Damon teased.

"This isn't the time to mess around" Tyler said glaring at him seriously.

"Stefan why am I here and what's going on?" Bonnie asked folding her arms.

"Well I thought of something last night, we need your help. Dalia was taken by Klaus... we think" he nodded "I thought you could track her down with some magic"

She shook her head "No Stefan I'm sorry, she's a threat to all of us... I don't trust her"

Tyler sighed and walked over to Bonnie. He took her hand and lead her outside, closing the door behind them so they could talk for a minute.

"Tyler what are you doing ?" she asked when he let her hand go.

"Please Bonnie" he begged "I don't want anything to happen to her" 

"Why? She's a horrible person, she's hurt you Tyler" she sighed.

"Bonnie, I like her.. a lot" he huffed "I don't know why and I don't know how long I've liked her. Maybe it was the day I met her, maybe it was the day she left. But please I can't get to her without you" he asked looking into her eyes.

She looked away for a moment and pondered the thought. Dalia couldn't be that bad right? If Tyler saw something good in here, Bonnie was going to trust it. Tyler had been her friend since they were children after all. "I'll do it"

Tyler smiled and brought her back into the house ecstatically  "She said yes" 

"Okay what do you need?" Stefan asked.

"A map, candles and something of hers" she nodded, listing off the items on her fingers.

"I'll get the stuff... but we don't have a map" Stefan huffed, biting his lower lip.

"I'll get one" Tyler said grabbing his jacket blurring out of the house.

Stefan blurred around to find the other things as Bonnie walked back to the door.

"Where are you going ?" Damon piped up.

"I need a grimoire" she said leaving the house, Damon quickly walked over to the open door.

"What am I supposed to do ?" he called after her.

"Anything" she called getting into her car and driving off.

Damon scanned behind him before shrugging "I'm gonna get some bourbon" he smirked walking outside and closing the door.  

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