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Azi trebuie sa fac un video dupa melodia Marinei Kaye - Freeze You Out  cu echipa cu care inregistram .Nu sunt singura care face videoclipuri si le posteza . Mai sunt si prieteni mei Sam Tsui , Macy Kate , Alex , Kurt etc... Eu cu Alex si cu alti prieteni avem o trupa care se cheama Ahainst The Current NY. Acest videoclip v-a fi postat pe YouTube . Acum trebuie sa ma pregatesc pentru a merge si a ma intalni cu prieteni mei pentru a intregistra si a face video-ul . 

*****Dupa 1 ora

Stateam si faceam repetiti cu ceilalti . La un moment dat le-am zis sa incercam sa facem video-ul . Ceilalti s-au dus la locurile lor si eu m-am asezat in fata microfonului . Cum a inceput sa cante Alex la pian am inceput sa cant :

 Cum a inceput sa cante Alex la pian am inceput sa cant :

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

You know I've been hurt before you

Yeah you know the score

And I know you want more

You want me to go out

Yeah you know I get high score

I get cold when you don't go slow

But I know you want more

You need me to go out

And I know you were worth it

And I know this gonna work it

I could only let you win

But I'm freezing

I'm not running away

I'm not running away

I will feel the pain instead

I'm not running again

I'm not running again

Even though I'm scared, Baby

And I won't freeze you out

Like I've been

I won't freeze you out

I'm gonna let you win

And I won't freeze you out

Like I've been

I won't freeze you out

My heart is melting

Squeeze my heart for you to hold

Feel the beats, feel the one blood fall through my throat

Beat and go out

Yeah I feel the fervour that I pushed through

And so was love and you you wanted more

And so I throw out

And I know you were worth it

And I know this gonna work it

I could only let you win

But I'm freezing

I'm not running away

I'm not running away

I will feel the pain instead

I'm not running again

I'm not running again

Even though I'm scared, Baby

And I won't freeze you out

Like I've been

I won't freeze you out

I'm gonna let you win

And I won't freeze you out

Like I've been

I won't freeze you out

My heart is melting

I won't freeze you out

My heart is melting

I won't freeze you out

My heart is melting

I'm not running away

I'm not running away

I will feel the pain instead

I'm not running again

I'm not running again

Even though I'm scared, Baby

And I won't freeze you out

Like I've been

I won't freeze you out

I'm gonna let you win

And I won't freeze you out

Like I've been

I won't freeze you out

My heart is melting

And I won't freeze you out

Like I've been

I won't freeze you out

I'm gonna let you win

And I won't freeze you out

Like I've been

I won't freeze you out

My heart is melting

Cand am terminat de filmat video-ul  ne-am felicitat fiecare in parte apoi am mai stat putin si am plecat la casele noastre .In seara asta  eu am  concert aici in oras ,iar maine seara trebuie sa plec in turneu 1 luna . Vor veni cu mine si Autumn si Lucas.

****Dupa concert 

Publicul a fost bestial

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Publicul a fost bestial . Mai vroiau sa mai stau sa mai cant dar era ora la care se terminase concertul . Totul a fost superb in seara asta . Iar de maine seara plecam in turneu si vom avea alte concerte.Vom merge la Paris , Londra , Los Angeles etc..

Bad Girl & Bad Boy (Volumul I )Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum