"Let me go Niklaus" she said pulling her arm. 

"We talked about this Dalia" he said.

"No you took me from the house and are making me do this" she struggled.

"Fine it has to be the hard way" Klaus said, he pulled out a pocket knife.

"Klaus" "Nik" Elijah and Rebekah said stepping forward.

Dalia started to pull her hand free, Klaus slide the knife across her palm.

"Ow" she hissed pulling her hand free.

"Nik, what a surprise" a voice said, they all looked to see who it was.

Klaus dropped the knife "Kol" he whispered in shock.

Kol's eyes skipped all his siblings went straight to Dalia "Dalia" he smiled.

"Kol" she said relieved she jogged away from Klaus and over to him. She hugged him tightly, he hugged her back and looked to Simone.

"Hybrid hunt Nik" he said letting Dalia go, he looked at her hand "Seems things haven't changed much. Come with me Dalia I'll clean you up"

He blurred himself and Dalia to the bathroom. Klaus stood there still shocked the same tears in his eyes when he saw Kol dead in the Gilbert kitchen. Rebekah gulped nervously, Elijah just looked down at the floor. Klaus saw the knife still in his hands there was blood on it, he sighed and blurred to Simone letting it drip into his mouth.

"Leave and wait until I call you to return" he compelled him, Simone blurred away.

"How is he alive ?" Elijah asked looking up.

Rebekah shook her head, she couldn't speak. Klaus dropped the knife onto the table.
"How did he find us ?" Klaus asked, they all looked at each other flabbergasted

Dalia looked up at Kol "So nice of you to join us" she smirked.

He chuckled "Don't start Dalia" he lifted his wrist up.

"No, don't" she said.

He huffed "Fine" he said this accent clear. He turned on the tap and put her hand under it.

"I've missed you" she smiled "When I found out what Klaus had done, I was horrified" 

"The dagger had been removed, but I was killed again by the Gilberts" he snarled, he looked up at her and smiled "But I'm back now"

"And who do you have to thank for that?" she smirked raising an eyebrow.

"You" he said "People underestimate you and your powers"

"I tell them what I need them to know, I keep my other powers hidden until I need them" she smirked, hissing as the water got hotter she pulled her hand back. She put her other hand over it and it healed, Kol looked down at her hand then back up to her.

"One of the many powers I've obtained over the years" she said cockily.

"You haven't changed over the years and I'm glad" he smiled.

"Why change perfection?" she teased "I got meaner... but I will always have a soft spot for you"

"And I will have one for you in return, just don't tell my siblings" he laughed lightly.

"Never in a million years, trust me" she said patting his shoulder.

"We better get back out there, my siblings will be wanting to speak with me" he said opening the bathroom door.

She pulled him back "You can't tell them what I did" she said wide eyed.

"I know Dalia, darling" he smirked stroking her cheek, he walked out of the bathroom followed by Dalia. They were met by the Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah all at the top of the stairs.

"Kol how are you alive "? Elijah asked.

"Happy to see me" he smirked opening his arms out.

"How did you know where we are ?" Rebekah asked walking over to him.

"Does that really matter Bekah?" he asked "Now what have my siblings been up to besides tracking down my doppelganger?" he teased

"Your doppelganger ?" Klaus asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes Klaus I met Kol before you daggered him" she said crossing her arms "Before you betrayed your own family, putting him into that coffin"

Klaus looked at Dalia, he blurred them into her bedroom. He put her against the door locking it, her heart rate increased when her head hit the cold hard door. He pinned her hands above her head.

"You do not know what Kol is capable of, love" he snarled.

"He's a better man than you" she said.

Klaus turned his head huffing, he let her hands go as he stepped back, she sighed moving her back from the door.

"Nik" Kol said on the other side of the door banging on it.

"Turn around" Klaus nodded "I promise I won't hurt you"

She wryly turned around, Klaus reached into his pocket and put her vervain necklace on her.

"I rather not be able to compel you, then let Kol have a chance at compelling you" he said.

"Nik" Kol repeated. Usual Kol could just kick a door in and break it, but of course Dalia had put a spell on the room.

Klaus ran his hands up and down her arms turning her around gently. He took her hand and put her vervain bracelet on. She smiled and looked up at him, he glance at her, she quickly wiped the smile off her face.

"Thank you Niklaus" 

He held her chin "No problem love" he smirked "Hows the hand?" he asked.

"I healed it" she said rubbing where he had cut her "Simone?"

"Gone home, I gave him your blood that was on the knife" he said letting her chin go "If you promise not to run away, I won't do what I did tonight"

She thought about it for a minute "I'll stay for Kol, not for you or your hybrids" she said unlocking the door "I'm fine Kol" she smiled slightly.

He glared at Klaus "Keep your hands off her, brother" 

"She's not your prize, I need her" Klaus growled. 

Dalia looked between the two of them and walked past Kol, they both watched her walk away
"Look what you've done" Klaus said walking out of her room.

"I believe you are the one that cut her hand" Kol said moving aside.

Dalia walked down the hall and down the stairs, Rebekah and Elijah were standing by the banister.

"Your jewellery" Rebekah said seeing her necklace.

"Klaus gave it back" she said twirling it in her fingers "Now I can't be compelled by the likes of you" she smirked looking up at Rebekah.

She blurred in front of her "I took it from you once I can do it again"

"Now Bekah you wouldn't want to go against Klaus" Kol smirked walking down the stairs "I'm back and things are going to change around here"

Dalia looked back at him smiling, he kept smirking and winked at her playfully  

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