Arguments -Viking Time-

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Author's Note: Hello again. Here's another update for you. This took me longer to make than I wanted it to take me. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

"I can't believe this," Astrid scolded and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Would you stop complaining?" Her boyfriend (and chief) answered her back. "We just need to find a cave or something."

Early in the morning, Hiccup had waken Astrid up. It was the day Hiccup had been planning for almost a week. Valka, Hiccup's mother, was going to be acting chief while the happy couple flew out on their dragons to discover new lands or dragons.

Flying for hours, Astrid noticed a storm coming their way. She warned Hiccup about it but he didn't listen. They continued flying and it began to rain. The wind and rain got so strong, they had to land on a nearby island.

They began walking through the forest looking for shelter with their dragons right behind them. After a few more minutes, Hiccup found a cave big enough for both them, and their dragons to fit inside.

"Now, we just have to wait until the storm passes." Hiccup sighed.

"You know, we wouldn't be in this situation if you would've just listened to me." Astrid pulled down her soaked hood which she was using to try and shield the rain from going onto her head, which failed miserably.

"Astrid, you know how I am when it comes to these things." Hiccup said taking his armor off.

"Yes, I do. And, you also know how you get. That's why we should've turned back. But no, we always have to do it your way." Astrid sighs and takes off her shoulder pads and hood. She was left in her red tunic, dark blue leggings and boots.

"My way? Astrid would you please calm down? The storm will pass and we'll head back to Berk."

"That's another thing," She scoffed. "No one on Berk knows where we are. You told your mom that we'll be back by sundown. Not that we'll even know when sundown is." She mumbled the last part.

"Okay, would you stop?" Hiccup looked at her through his wet hair which found its way in front of his eyes. "You're acting like the storm is my fault and blaming me on everything."

Stormfly and Toothless felt the tension between their riders. They gave each other a confused look and watched as their two best friends argued.

"I'm only blaming you for not listening to me. Who knows when this storm is over?" Astrid twisted her braid to try and get the water out.

"You don't ever trust me." Hiccup sighs.

"I never trust you?" Astrid laughed. "Hiccup, I trust you with my life."

"Then you should trust me with this. You know the amount of times I've been doing these things. You just don't trust me, meanwhile I trust you with everything else." Hiccup argues back leaning against the opposite wall of Astrid. "Like, that time I trusted you with Eret yet he still tried something on you."

"Seriously!" Astrid exclaimed. "You're bringing this up now?!"

"Yes Astrid!" Hiccup yelled back at her and his voice echoed off the walls. "Because you don't trust me with anything. You're too overprotective of me."

"Hiccup..." Astrid sighs and crosses her arms over her wet clothes but doesn't look at him.

"Sometimes you have to take risks." Hiccup continues and begins to start walking over to her.

Astrid notices how close he is. She looks up from her wet bangs and their eyes meet for a second before she looks away. Hiccup continues to walk towards her

"What is it Hic-" She got cut off when Hiccup kissed her.

She didn't hesitate to kiss back and Hiccup cupped her cheeks and broke the kiss a minute later.

"I hate it when we fight." He whispered breathless.

"I'm sorry." Astrid apologized.

"It's not your fault." Hiccup shook his head. "I should've listened to you earlier. Then we wouldn't be in this mess."

"I'm just so scared to lose you." Astrid admits.

Hiccup wraps his arms around her waist and hugs her.

After a few more moments, the two separated. Hiccup got out a blanket from Toothless's saddle bag. Hiccup quickly got fire wood from the outside. Even though it was wet, they got a small fire going with the help of Stormfly. The couple cuddled up together in the blanket and fell asleep somewhat peacefully leaning against the warmth of the dragons.

Morning came and Hiccup and Astrid woke up. Thankfully, the storm passed overnight and the two were back on their way to Berk.

When they reached Berk, the scene was devastating. Some of the houses and buildings were knocked down or destroyed by the storm. Hiccup and Astrid landed and they met up with Valka who looked worried.

"Hiccup, where were you?" Valka cried. "You guys had me worried sick."

"We're fine mom," Hiccup reassured her. "We just got stuck on an island because of a storm. I'm guessing it came here, too?"

"Yeah." She sighed. "It's a shame really. I put the people whose homes were destroyed in the Great Hall."

"Thanks mom." Hiccup smiled. "I will deal with the rest."

Valka nodded and walked away to meet up with other Vikings.

Hiccup looked over at Astrid who was looking at the sky next to Stormfly.

"Hey," He spoke softly to her.


"I'll see you later okay?"

Astrid nodded and gave him a small smile. Hiccup went and pecked her lips before hopping on Toothless to begin his chief duties.

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