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Author's Note: Hi guys! Here's another update today, like there usually is every Friday. I got this idea from a fan-fiction that I previously read and it inspired me to write something similar to it. Anyways, hope you enjoy.


Astrid couldn't stop.

Her arms were so itchy and she just had to scratch them.

She was sitting with her best friend, Hiccup, on the school bleachers watching their school's football team practice for the next game. Hiccup was currently drawing in his notebook.

He noticed Astrid was more jumpy than usual. He didn't know why but she kept scratching her arms, and it was getting kind of annoying.

"Why do you keep scratching your arms?" Hiccup asked setting his pencil down.

"N-no reason." She spoke softly.

"Are you sure?" Hiccup noticed the uneasiness in her voice.

"I'm fine."

After a few more minutes, Hiccup finished his drawing and wanted Astrid to see. When he went to give her his notebook, she jumped up a little, startling Hiccup.

"Astrid, why are you so jumpy?"

"Hiccup, it's nothing. Please just let it be." Astrid tried to reassure him.

"Astrid, you're not acting like yourself." Hiccup shook his head. "Please tell me what's going on and why you have a black eye."

Astrid looked up when he mentioned her eye. She tried to cover it up with her mother's makeup and her bangs covered it up, so she was surprised that Hiccup noticed it. How many other people saw it?

"You noticed?"

"If you were trying to cover it up, you did a horrible job." Hiccup chuckled. "Now, seriously, tell me what happened."

"Astrid!" Astrid's head snapped up at her name and looked into the field. She saw her boyfriend, Sam walking on the field.

Hiccup looked at Astrid's face and noticed fear in her eyes. Astrid gave a small smile and a wave.

"It's him, isn't it?" Hiccup's eyes never left Astrid's.

"What?" Astrid furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"What does he do to you Astrid?" Hiccup asked through gritted teeth.

Astrid gave a shaky sigh and tears weld up in  her eyes. "Sam, he-" Astrid got interrupted.

"Beats you." Hiccup finished for her. "Sam beats you."

"I didn't want you to know."

"Why?" Hiccup's face turned into anger.

"Because I know you'll tell someone and it would just turn worse." Astrid cried.

"How long has this been going on?"

"It happened a month after we started dating."

"Astrid, that was a year ago and I'm just finding this out now?!"

"I'm so sorry Hiccup." Astrid put her head in her hands and began sobbing.

Hiccup engulfed her into a hug and held her tight.

"It's not your fault. I promise you it's not your fault." Hiccup kissed the top of her head.


After the school's football team finished practice for the day, Hiccup and Astrid left with them. Hiccup kept an arm around Astrid's shoulder.

As Hiccup and Astrid were walking a couple of feet away from the team, Hiccup spotted Sam.

"Sam!" Hiccup called out to him. Sam turned around and when he saw Hiccup next to Astrid, he grew furious.

"What do you want?" Sam asked as he approached Hiccup and Astrid.

As Sam neared, Astrid became nervous. What did Hiccup want?

"I know what you've been doing to Astrid." Hiccup states.

"So?" Sam chuckles. "The little girl is useless, she deserves it."

"Don't you dare say that about her." Hiccup exclaimed.

"Hiccup please, just leave it." Astrid tugged on his arm but it was so use.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Sam smirked evilly.

Hiccup had enough of it. He punched Sam in the face.

Everyone around them saw the commotion and was shocked. Even Hiccup himself was shocked. He didn't expect to do that.

Sam stumbled back from the sudden impact on his face. He pressed a finger to the spot where Hiccup's fist made contact with and chuckled.

Taking Hiccup by surprise, Sam tackled him to the ground.

Sam began to punch Hiccup and wouldn't stop.

"Sam!" Astrid screamed. "Stop it! Please just leave him alone."

Astrid tried to get Sam to stop hurting Hiccup but all of her yelling was useless.

Astrid decided to take matters into her own hands.

She grabbed Sam's shoulder and made him face her. He looked at her confused. Astrid punched Sam in his eye and he fell backwards from the impact.

Hiccup then got up from the floor and got on top of Sam. Hiccup began to punch Sam repeatedly.

Astrid just stared at Hiccup and Sam with tears streaming down her face. She thought about how many times she was too afraid to leave Sam or to stand up to him and defend herself. She thought about how long she kept this secret from everyone she knew, including her parents. She thought about all of the beatings she would receive and how many excuses she gave to her parents, her other friends, to Hiccup. Astrid thought about how defensive Hiccup got when he found out.

Astrid began to see blood and knew that Hiccup wouldn't stop anytime soon, even if he got tired.

"Hiccup," She spoke softly, but Hiccup ignored her and continued to beat Sam.

"Hiccup I think he's had enough." She spoke louder.

Hiccup stopped punching Sam and got up off of him. His hands were shaking and his eyes we're developing tears and he was panting heavily.

"Stay. Away. From. Her." Hiccup panted as he stared down at Sam's lifeless body.

Sam's face was extremely bloody and bruised. His nose was broken and he lied  there lifeless.

Hiccup turned to Astrid and saw her tear stained face. She walked up to him and put a hand on his cheek. She rubbed a shaky thumb across his bloody cheek and gave him a small smile.

"Let's get you cleaned up." She whispered.

Hiccup gave her a small smile back. Astrid put an arm around his torso and rested her head against his shoulder. Hiccup wrapped an arm around her waist and they began walking.

Astrid turned her head and saw Sam still lying on the ground unconscious. Some of the football team's members were looking at his body and trying to help him.

She turned her head back around and continued to walk forward looking ahead.

Astrid sighed happily as her and Hiccup walked off the field and towards the school.

just us [hiccstrid one-shots]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt