Pairs: Part 2

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Author's Note: Hello. Sorry this took so long to be posted. I'm taking requests so if anyone has an idea feel free to tell me. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Astrid's POV:

Great. I'm paired up with the nerd. It usually never bothered me with who I get paired up with when these types of assignments are given out. I would always try to help my partner when it came to the work and presentations. Our grades would be great because of the teamwork and dedication put into the work.

I'm paired with Hayden, though. To the students, I'm considered popular and the 'bad girl'. Over the years and months, I've gotten used to the title and actually quite liked it. If the word gets out that I'm forced to hang out with him, I have a feeling that nice words won't be said.

My thoughts get interrupted when the school bell rings. I get reminded that I am going to be given detention. I pack up my belongings as fast as I could and headed out the class.

"Astrid," The teacher called my name. I gave a soft sigh and closed my eyes.


"Yes?" I turn around and face her with a smile on my face.

"Your detention slip." She says and hands me a small blue sheet. I grasp it from her hand and glare at her. "You didn't think you'd get away with it, did you?"

"Of course not." I smile. "I just want to be a good student and head to my other class on time."

"You should have that attitude everyday instead of ditching."

"I don't ditch."

"Don't forget to remind your friends of the assignment." She smiled at me but I knew it was forced.

I roll my eyes and walk away from the grumpy old woman I am forced to call my teacher. I head out into the hallway and decide I should head to my locker. I haven't forgotten about my missing pack of cigarettes and needed to check if I accidentally put it in there.

I reached my locker. Other people were standing next to it, talking and sharing laughs. After I opened my locker, they noticed my presence. I snook a sideways glance at them and saw them share frightened looks. They then slowly moved away from me and traveled to their next destination.

It was nothing new, something I'm already used to. The dirty looks, the disgusted faces. Only because of my image and what everyone knows what I do with my life. If only they knew the real me.

"Hey Ast," I hear behind me and recognize the voice. A little anger rises.

"What took you guys so long?" I scold while grabbing a textbook from one of the few shelves I have in my long locker.

"The guy wouldn't give the bag." Samuel sighs. I could tell that he was mad about it.

"He gave it up after we threatened him a few times." Tim says. I shut my locker and turn around to see my friends standing there.

"It was pretty amusing." Rachelle smiles.

"Well I got detention because you guys weren't in class." I say angrily.

"Why?" Tim raises a brow.

"I don't know." I sigh. "But there's a new assignment. Rachelle you're paired up with that Finn guy."

"Oh God," She rolled her eyes. Tim snickered. "Isn't he that chubby nerd?" I nod my head.

"Too bad," Tim fakes a sad face. "You won't want to sleep with a kid like him."

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