Cupcake Disaster

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Author's Note: Hello. So, httydobsessed13 actually helped me with this one shot. I'm all out of ideas at the moment. If anyone has any, feel free to message me. I'm open to any suggestions. Anyways, hope you enjoy. 

"Astrid!" Hiccup called out to his fiancé. "Come here!"

Hiccup just recently came back from the grocery store. Since it was the beginning of Spring, he thought it would be a good idea to bake cupcakes. Just Hiccup being, well, Hiccup. Astrid got up from her position on the couch in the living room and made her way to the kitchen.

"What's this?" She gestured to the bags.

"I wanna bake cupcakes." Hiccup smiled. "Want to help?"


Astrid grabbed the materials they needed to make the smaller versions of cake. She set it up neatly on the counter while Hiccup took out the ingredients. When she was finished, Astrid strolled over to him and looked at the flavoring of the cupcake mix. She smiled brightly when she saw that Hiccup got chocolate mix, her favorite.

"You know me so well," Astrid kissed his cheek. Hiccup chuckled and pecked Astrid's lips before beginning.

Hiccup was pouring the mix into a bowl. He glanced over at Astrid who was quietly doing her own thing and an idea popped into his head.


"Yes?" Astrid snapped her head up. When she did, Hiccup threw flour on her face.

Astrid opened her eyes to see Hiccup laughing at her.

"Really?" She scoffed at him. Hiccup couldn't help but laugh at her. But when he saw her upset expression, he felt bad.

"Okay," His laughter died down. "I'm sorry."

Hiccup set the box down that held the mix and walked over to his future wife. She had her back to him. When he reached her, he placed his hands on her waist and turned her around. When she did, he didn't notice the egg in her hands. Astrid smashed the egg on top of Hiccup's hand the the yolk of the egg ran down his hair onto his face. She was the one laughing now.

Hiccup scrunched up his face in disgust. He opened an eye and saw Astrid laughing at his state. He couldn't help but laugh a little also. Hiccup grabbed a napkin for the both of them and cleaned themselves. When they were finished, they continued to bake the cupcakes.

A few minutes before the cupcakes were done, Hiccup got the frosting out and opened the jar. Astrid dipped her finger in the jar and the frosting stood on her index finger proudly. Her eyes shifted from the frosting to Hiccup who was on his phone. Without a second thought, Astrid spread the frosting over Hiccup's face, from his nose down to his lips. Astrid chuckled at the funny face he made while trying to see the frosting on his face. Hiccup reached over Astrid and grabbed frosting on his finger too and smeared it over Astrid's face the same way she did his. They both started laughing.

"Wanna see how sweet I taste?" Astrid offered with a smirk.

"Can I?"

"Go for it."

Hiccup placed his lips on Astrid's in a heated kiss. After a few moments, Hiccup hoisted Astrid up onto the counter. He kept his hands on her waist while her hands tugged at the ends of his hair at the back of his neck. Hiccup's cold hands went under Astrid's shirt and he placed them on her stomach. She shivered at his cold touch but their lips never left each others and they were in a heated make out session.

Meanwhile, Hiccup and Astrid forgot all about the cupcakes that were baking in the oven. Startling both, the fire alarm went off with a deafening noise. Astrid yelped in surprise and separated her lips against Hiccup's. They both looked over at the oven to see smoke coming out of it. Hiccup cursed under his breath and ran to the oven. He cautiously opened it and a cloud of smoke came out. He coughed and waved his hand around to try and get rid of the smoke in his face.

Astrid jumped off the counter and walked over to him.

"Can you open a window or something?" Hiccup asked. Astrid nodded and opened both windows in the white tiled room.

When she was done, she walked over to Hiccup and the smoked cleared out a little more. Hiccup put on a oven mitt and grabbed the tray that held the cupcakes. He placed them on the counter beside him and sighed when he saw that all of them were burnt to a crisp.

"I was really looking forward to these cupcakes." Hiccup pouted.

"Next time, babe." Astrid wrapped her arms around her future husband's waist from behind. "Next time." 

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