She Lost the Baby

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"This is huge," Astrid gasped. 

She was experiencing signs of pregnancy for about a month. She got morning sickness, weird food cravings, and missed her period. She just though that she was just getting her period because she had the food cravings and got nauseous at times but when she missed it, she knew something was wrong. 

On a random day after a month, she stood home from school because the morning sickness wasn't really agreeing with her body. She had told Hiccup that she was staying home and he wanted to stay with her and take care of her but she refused and told him that she was fine. So, he went to school and promised her that he would visit her when he got out. During the day, around lunch time, she went to the store to pick up a pregnancy test. She needed to know if it was actually true. 

When she got back to her house, she did the test. Luckily, her mom was at work so Astrid didn't have to be sneaky about it. After a couple minutes, she looked at the test. 


She was shocked and having mixed emotions. Happy because she was going to be a mother. Sad, because she was going to be a mother. Scared because she was going to be a mother. It was around 2 o'clock. Hiccup would be coming home soon. Astrid didn't know what to think or do so she stood in her bathroom, crying. 

An hour later of crying, and sitting in the same position, Hiccup came by her house to see how she was doing. He walked up the steps to the front door and knocked. No reply. Several knocks later, he tried to open the door and succeeded. "Milady?" he asked entering the door. No reply. He was starting to get nervous. He checked every room in the house and couldn't find her. He was about to try to call her until her heard sobbing coming from the bathroom. 

He walked in and saw Astrid on the floor sobbing into her knees. Hiccup dropped on the floor next to her and hugged her tight. 

"What's wrong?" he asked. All he got back was more crying. "Astrid, Milady, what's wrong? What happened?" 

She looked up and handed him the test. Hiccup was shocked. 

He started having the same emotions as Astrid. Happy because he was becoming a father. Sad because he was going to be a father. Scared because he was going to be a father. 

"I don't know what to do, Hiccup" she cried. 

"Well, you can always do a-" 

"I don't want to kill someone. We're only 17. I'm not ready to have child. Gods, we didn't even finish high school yet and we're becoming teen parents." 

"If you don't want to do that then we just have to have it." 

She looked up at him and smiled. "Okay. We're having a baby." she breathed a laugh. 

*2 Months Later*

Astrid is now almost 4 months pregnant and her baby bump is starting to show more. She still went to school and everyone knew. Her and Hiccup's friends were excited about it all. Of course, they told their parents the news. They were angry, upset and disappointed at first but then the thought of them being grandparents took over and they are as happy as can be. Astrid moved in with Hiccup. 

The both overjoyed parents were now becoming attached to the creature that Astrid was carrying. They were picking out names, choosing things they could get him/her, and most of all, they thought about becoming a family. It did stress them both out, a lot, but they got through it together. 

One day, after hanging out with Ruffnut from the mall, Astrid was driving home. Hiccup didn't like the idea of Astrid driving while she was pregnant but she promised him that she'll be extra careful. Out of nowhere, a car hit Astrid's and there was a horrible accident. Both cars were completely ruined but both drivers were okay. 

Hiccup was worried beyond belief but couldn't be happier when he found out that his love and his unborn child were fine. 

The week after the accident, Astrid had to go get an ultrasound. Hiccup stayed home because he had to help his dad with something, so he couldn't go. So Astrid went alone. During the ultrasound, the doctor found something very strange. After the procedure, the doctor had devastating news that would haunt Astrid, maybe for the rest of her life. 

She lost the baby. 

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