Easter Hunt

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Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'm on Spring break so you'll get more one shots this week. Anyways, happy Easter to anyone who celebrates it. Enjoy!

"C'mon Hiccup!" A squeaky little voice called out.

"There's nothing here. I can't find anymore." A short auburn haired boy replied.

It was Easter Sunday. Two 5 year old children walked around the local neighborhood park. There was a city Easter Egg hunt on the bright sunny day. Two best friends had begged their parents to take them to the park to join in the energetic hunt with the few other kids their age in the small city.

A little blonde, Astrid, was wearing a small baby blue dress with small black flats. She had her short golden hair in a braid with her bangs covering her crystal blue eyes.

Her best friend, Hiccup, was shorter than she was. He was wearing an adorable tux with dress shoes to cover his small feet. His shaggy auburn hair stood messy like most of the time.

"There has to be more." Astrid called.

There were over 300 eggs in the park. Once the announcer called for the hunt to begin, all of the short, tiny, little children ran with such speed, their parents were impressed. The children found eggs and carefully placed them into their decorative baskets. Some of them were impatient and took the goodies out of the colorful egg.

Hiccup looked up at a tree he was standing nearby. The tree wasn't too tall, but tall enough that he had to climb it and if he were to look down, it would look like he's 10 feet in the air. He smiled a toothy grin when he saw something that'll make Astrid happy.

"I found one!" Hiccup laughed to Astrid. "It's up in the tree."

Astrid came running over happy and excited. But when she saw how high it was, her hopes died down.

"But we can't reach it. The tree is too big." Her smile faded.

Hiccup hated to see his best friend unhappy. It made him feel the same sorrow she did. 

Having a bit of courage, Hiccup wanted to do the unthinkable. He set his basket down on the grassy floor.

Surprising Astrid, (and a few other kids around them) Hiccup started climbing the tree.

"Hiccup!" Astrid yelled. "What are you doing? You're gonna get hurt."

Hiccup ignored her and continued to do the hard task. He was almost there and if he stretched his arm a little more, he would be able to reach the sparkly pink egg.

Hiccup felt joy as he was about to have the egg in his small hands. Until, his foot slipped off of the branch he was standing on.

Hiccup fell, until his arm caught onto a small branch right beneath him.

Astrid saw the whole thing happening and was worried for her friend.

"Hiccup! Please get down! You're gonna die!" Astrid yelled to him.

She knew she was being dramatic. But who could blame her? The person who she cares most about can get hurt, all for a plastic egg.  Other kids came around the tree to watch the event happening. Some of the boys around were making fun of Hiccup and the girls were laughing about it.

"I bet he's going to fall and break a leg or something." A boy chucked.

"Hey, leave him alone!" Astrid protested. "You won't even do that if the egg had 1 trillion dollars in it."

After the remark, the boy and all of the others stopped talking and stood in silence.

Hiccup, struggling to continue climbing, saw the commotion below him. He smiled a little at Astrid's defense.

He got his strength back and lifted his body up. He climbed back onto the previous branch and made sure his grip was good. Hiccup reached for the egg and successfully grabbed it.

He looked down at Astrid and smiled at her. The kids around the tree watching Hiccup cheered for the freckled boy and clapped for him.

He slowly and cautiously climbed back down the tree. Once he hit the soft dirt, Astrid ran to him and gave him a tight hug.

After she let go, Hiccup put the egg in Astrid's dark blue basket. The other kids left and it was just the two now.

"You didn't have to do that, you know." Astrid smiled nervously.

"I hate seeing you upset. Plus, I'd do anything for my best friend." Hiccup blushed.

"Thanks you dork." Astrid punched his shoulder.

The best friends laughed and continued to enjoy their adventurous day.

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