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Ben POV:
This person seems familiar yet also not, it's hard to explain but it seems I have previous knowledge of his existence and at the same time I don't.
It's something I shouldn't be focusing on right now though, we need to prepare in case these survivors are hostile and dangerous.
They seemed to communicate with each other while up in the trees, but I think I was the only one to notice.
The others seemed distressed when he disappeared, perhaps they are just looking for him and we should not be fearing for her life's.
But we still don't know how they will react when they see us, therefore we should still prepare just in case.
However in my mind I think they'll be ok to be around, but for now we will wait-and-see.
Right now I'm hiding a few weapons around our base, John and Jewel say " they're there just in case we need them on the run".
I don't really question them after all John is my best friend and Jewel is a smart and intelligent leader.
Speaking of which it seems Jewel has taken on the role as leader since paisley is busy with her experiments, not to mention our guest.
Things have certainly changed, but at least for me it seems for the better.
Jewel is a great leader and knows her way around, John is still my friend even though he seems to hang around with Jewel more often are not helping her out and stuff, and paisley is still my friend as well but her experiments do seem to take up a lot of her time and Energy.
And who can forget Lexi, the dog who changed my fear and perspective of dogs to a positive one.
Lexi like Jewel said is a very friendly dog and has taught me a lot about her, stuff I would never be interested in before she saved my life.
The bravery this dog had to go against a walker for two people she barely knew, and I who showed her no kindness at all she still saved me.
I can't help but feel great full for that, as well as the fact that me and Lexi now have a close Bond but not as close as her and Jewel.
Like ten years alone with only a dog and memories of your past, I couldn't imagine the last ten years without John and paisley.
Anyways off that thought, I walk over to John and Jewel.
" anything else?" I ask.
" yeah can yah grab some more branches and sticks, we're trying to make a look out place up in the tree there" John said pointing up at a few large branches up the tree.
I look at the lake the sun is now fully up, but it's still early morning.
" are we staying here all day?" I ask.
" yep, if we can make new Contacts with these survivors we'll have more allies and more of a chance to survive" Jewel said.
" but I thought today we were continuing our Journey to the old town you're talking about" I asked.
" oh right, I guess I got caught up in everything else to remember. We'll try to make contact first and then explain to them why we need to go. Then we continue."
" good idea" John said.
" yep" I said walking towards a pile of sticks on the ground.
" hey John" I yelled, " how big do the sticks needa be?"
" think about you standing on them" he yelled back.
I wasn't very heavy so it wouldn't take much to hold me, I looked down peering at the sticks and branches below me.
I grabbed a few large and middle sized ones, I put them on two rocks and stood in the middle of them to see if they would hold.
They pasted the test and I tossed them to John and Jewel.
" these are good, I tested them" I yelled.
" great " John yelled back.
" mmmm... Hello?" I heard from behind me.
Our friend had woken up again from his nap.
" hello sir, you feeling better?" I asked.
" y..yes thank you, could you possibly let me out though because I.." Before he could finish sounds of running and guns firing surrounded us.
" they're here!" Jewel yelled.
I knew what she meant I ran towards my gun and picked in up ready to fire.
Thx for reading!

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