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Ben POV:
I wake up to birds chirping outside, " John can you closed the window please" I asked with my face in my pillow.
" yeah sure" he said getting up quick.
John was my best friend or like a brother, me and him we've been together even since the walkers started.
" thanks John" I said before felling back asleep.
I woke up a few hours later once the sun was up.
I wanted to go for a walk to clear my mind a bit from these last few days, finding Jewel and everything.
It's all to much and I can't think straight.
I quickly and quietly got up John still being asleep.
I got dressed and headed out the door.
" a good walk will clear my mind" I said to myself.

Jewel POV:
I woke up to the door closing downstairs.
" who's up" I asked myself starting to walk downstairs.
I looked out the window of the living room and saw Ben walking down the street.
I saw he didn't have any weapons on him, I should probably go with him.
I ran down stairs where I kept my weapons, I grabbed my twin katana swords and my crossbow my weapons of choice.
" bark" i jumped at the sound of Lexi's bark.
" oh sorry Lexi, hi how you feel" I said petting her.
She quickly jumped up and started heading for the stairs.
" oh Lexi,no you have to lay down" I said grabbing her and putting her back on her bed.
" I know you wanna go but you need time to heal" I said heading back upstairs.
I locked the gate and headed outside, I left a note informing that me and Ben went for a walk.

Ben POV:
It was early summer and the weather was perfect.
I really need to clear my head.
I start walking down the street, all the cars and bikes are still here and everything reminds me of when this all started when everything was normal.
I really miss my family and friends, I wish this was all a dream.. No nightmare and I could just wake up.
I don't know if my family is alive or dead or where they are.
Most of my friends are most likely dead or missing.
" I miss you all" I said as I start crying in the middle of the sidewalk.
I suddenly feel arms around me.
" I know Ben, I miss them too" Jewel said.
We continued hugging for a bit.
" you ok now" she asked.
" yeah, thanks " I said getting up.
" whatcha doing out here on your own" she asked.
Because I needed to think clear my mind, and to get away from that dog.
Ever since I was attacked by a dog when I was young I've been afraid of them ever since.
" just needed to clear my mind" I said walking down the sidewalk again.
" oh" she said, " well here".
She handed me a knife and a pistol with 6 rounds inside.
" what's this for" I asked realizing it was a really dumb question.
" well yah don't have any weapons and you need something to protect yourself from walkers" she said heading back to her house.
" also be back before dark, I'll let yah have sometime for yourself" she said heading off.
I waved goodbye thanking her as she left.
I really needed a hug.

John POV:
I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes.
" Ben can you please close the blinds" I asked.
" Ben" I asked again.
I finally looked up getting annoyed at Ben for ignoring me.
" Ben" I said being a bit louder then I needed to.
I looked around seeing no one.
" oh" I said kinda embarrassed.
I head downstairs to see if anyone else is up.
I go to the living room seeing only a note on the table.
I read it.
Dear who ever is reading this me and Ben went for a walk and will be back in a bit, help yourself too anything and please feed Lexi by 1:00.
- Julie.
Well looks like I have sometime to myself. The door suddenly opened and Jewel walked inside.

Thx for reading sorry for taking so long.

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