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Jewel POV:
It's been a few days since I announced we were going to Ontario and today was the last day in Winnipeg.
I wanted to talk to paisley about the supplies and other things we needed, her being the commander of the team.
I personally didn't follow her, but I respect her still.
I just woke up and my thoughts immediately started racing.
I headed downstairs seeing everyone was already awake.
" well good morning" I said.
" so last day whatcha need done" John asked.
" well I have this list, but first I would like to talk with paisley.. Privately" I said.
Ben and John got the hint and headed out.
" oh wait" I yelled.
" can yah take Lexi out for a walk, just to make sure she's ready" I asked.
" sure, but are you ok with that Ben?" John asked.
" yeah sure I'm gonna have to get used to her" Ben said.
The headed out with Lexi and me and paisley stayed back to discuss our plans.
So after going over my list I asked paisley want she thought of it and the plan to move.
"I understand where your coming from, but are you sure we can make it all the way? Like that's a week to two week Journey." She asked.
" yes it is and yes we can. We can't stay here and wait for death, going there is our best bet. Once we're up there I know a cell tower that I could spend out a distress call out on with the help of Ben." I said.
" ok" was her only Response.
" so anything else you think we need on this list" I asked.
" nah you got it down" she said.
I've noticed Paisley has been acting more strict then usual.
When paisley was young she was the funny and silly person, but this apocalypse has changed her.
She occasionally make a joke but more often than not she was strict.
I tried to be strict kinda, but I never wanted to lose my fun side.
Paisley was more of an adult so to say, but having someone like that isn't a bad thing.
All though I kinda missed her fun side.
" once the guys get back, we'll all head out and start gathering the supplies" I said.
She nodded her head.
Paisley starts heading up stairs, " ok, I'll tell you when they're here" I said.
Again only nods back.
I wonder what's up with her?

Paisley POV:
If u can't be honest I don't want to leave, and this plan to go all the way to Ontario is crazy.
But I have to if not for myself for my partners.
I start packing up my stuff and then I heard a hiss from the closest.
I open it.
A walker jumps out at me, it's arms are gone as well as its bottom jaw.
A chain necklace is around its neck, with a chain ripe imbedded in the wall keep it in place.
" down" I yell.
I push it back into the closest and close the door.
I grab my backpack and grab out a few containers and needles.
I'm bin doing tests and stuff on walkers to try to find a cure, that's why I started this operation to find more ingredients and also more subjects.
And that's also why I wanted to stay here, we haven't even explored the city for ingredients and stuff yet and now she wants us to leave?!
But for John and Ben I'll go too, Jewel does seem to know what she's talking about plus there might be more opportunity up in Ontario.
I'm still not sure, but by the end of this day I'll make my Final decision.

John POV:
As me and Ben headed outside I could tell he really didn't want Lexi with us.
Ever since he was attacked when he was little, he's been afraid and I could understand why.
I loved Lexi though, she was a very good dog and very friendly.
I wish he could get over his fear, but I knew it would take time.
We continued walking to the park, the blood trail was nearly gone, since it rained the other day.
" so why didn't you tell me?" I asked.
He was confused at first but then understood what I meant.
" I was just afraid of losing you as a friend because I might've killed someone" he said.
" it's understandable why you did it, self-defence and all" I said.
" ok, thanks" he said giving me a smile.
We walked over to the hill and sat down for a bit, I let Lexi off the leash and rolled her ball down the hill a few times.
She seemed to be healing nicely, she looked well as well.
" I hope Lexi can make it" I said.
" yeah, I guess" Ben said.
" sorry, I know you're still afraid of dogs but Lexi is a good dog and she wouldn't harm you" I said stuttering a bit.
" I know, I just can't get over it" he said looking at the ground.
" come on, I think we can head back now" I said.
We got up and started for home.
We were only about half way there, when a walker suddenly stumbled onto the road.
Lexi started growling and barking at the walker.
For a medium size dog she's quite strong, I had a hard time keeping her in place.
" down Lexi" I called she didn't listen.
She continued to growl.
The world around me suddenly stopped and my vision blurred.
My mind was put on hold as I fell to the ground.

Thx for reading next part soon!

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