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Jewel POV:
After we ate dinner we all decided to hit the hay.
I lit up the fire and watched the flames whirl around, and aluminate the area around me.
Everyone quickly pasted out, it was a long day for all of us.
I flipped onto my back and stared up at the ceiling.
I realized that we still haven't seen the creature back here.
That gave me butterflies.
I got up a few minutes later not being able to sleep after that thought.
Lexi was laying beside Ben, she quickly got up when she saw me leaving.
" hey Lexi, been a while since its been just you and me huh" I said petting her.
I walk out towards the boating docks, I walked down to the end the moon gave just enough light to see around me.
Lexi laid down beside me.
I looked at the lake, the moon and stars reflected off the surface of water.
I breathe in a large amount of air, the fresh air feels nice running down my throat and into my lungs.
I hold it in for a few seconds before letting it out, I needed this fresh air.
I lean down towards the water cupping my hands and scoop up some of the water.
I slowly drink it, it's cold and pure,
Also kinda taste of fish.
" so nice to be out of the city" I said.
I look back up at the lake, the lake and wilderness about it made my thoughts drift away.
As if I didn't have a problem in the world, it felt nice to finally be calm again.
However the moment what it last forever, and the harsh reality hit me.
This may never end, you will die knowing you never got to see your family again.
A tear ran down my face, the memories of my family and other friends flooded my mind.
" I'm sorry" I said not really knowing why I said it.
Lexi got up and licked my face clear of tears, I smiled at her.
My eyes were a bit teary still, but having Lexi made everything better.
" thank you Lexi" I said hugging her neck.
She rested her head on my shoulder as if to hug back.
Dogs made everything better, man's or women's best friend indeed.
I let her go and stared back at the lake.
I woke up to Lexi licking me face, I must've fallen asleep I thought.
I got up finding myself still on the boating dock.
I looked at the sky it's was still late in the night, maybe 2 am to 4 am.
I couldn't tell exactly but the darkness still surrounded me and there is no sign of the sun.
" let's head back huh Lex" I said my voice weak.
I cleared my throat, and started for town hall.
I always wanted to visit here as a kid, my family would always past through here but never stopped to look around.
I was happy to finally see it up close, and that's what I always try to do look for the positive.
It's hard to stay positive in this situation, but having my dog and friends is something to help me.
A sudden shimmer of light off the water caught my eye.
I turned around and stared down at the water, I looked up seeing the light was coming from the tree tops on the other side of the lake.
" what's that" I asked myself.
Maybe I'm just hallucinating, maybe I should get A second Pinyon through just to be sure.
I ran back to the bass, Lexi follow trailed behind me.

John POV:
" John, john" a voice said as the person rolled me back and forth.
I kept me eyes closed and asked the voice, " what?".
" John get up I need to show you something" Jewel the voice was Jewel.
I opened my eyes, knowing Jewel this was probably important.
" yeah what's up, what's wrong" I asked still being kinda asleep.
" come on quickly" she said racing out the door.
" ok, ok" I said clumsily getting to my feet.
I walked outside looking around for Jewel, it was very dark so I waited for my eyes to adjust before looking around again.
I looked again seeing her standing by the lake.
I walked along the road towards her, " whatcha call me out here for" I asked.
" do you see the lights over there" she said.
I looked to where she was pointing at, I saw lights coming from the treetops.
" what's that" I asked.
Jewel didn't reply.
She turned to the side and looked over at me.
" I think we should find out" she finally said heading towards the bass.
Oh gosh.
Thx for reading!

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