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Paisley POV:
After eating the walleye I caught, we continued heading towards are next stop.
The sun was still over head, we had plenty of time I thought.
We walked pasted large rocks cliffs on the sides of the road, Jewel said that these use to be mining sites that were blown up with TNT.
I loved looking around at the Scenery, it was so nice to be outside of a city and in the wilderness for once.
We continued until the edge of the lake could be seen, we were very close.
I remember going here once before, I think there was a huge fish statue just before you entered the middle of the city.
It was Called husky the... The... Something that rhymed with husky.
" hey Jewel" I said.
" yeah what's up" she said.
" is there a fish statue before the middle of the city" I asked.
" yes" she replied.
" it was called husky the something right... Close to that" I said.
She nodded, " husky the Muskie, muskie is a type of large fish that is plentiful in that lake" she said.
" oh right, I use to fish at the boating docks and I'd catch them" I said.
" are we close now?" John asked.
" yep, we're on the broader of the city right now" she said.
I looked around seeing houses now around us, some below by the lake others on the rock cliffs.
If I can remember anything about this place is that we're about half an hour away from that statue.
We walked by the houses, I looked around wishing that if this apocalypse ever ends I could stay here.
I looked at the lake seeing loons and eagles flying above it.
We turned the corner of the road and came across a gas station.
" let's check the station out, maybe we'll find something" I said.
" ok, me and you will go inside" Jewel started, " you two stay out here please".
" ok Jewel" Ben and John said.
We started walking towards the shop.
The doors were locked, I pulled at the doors but it didn't work.
" hey move out of the way for a second" Jewel said.
" ok" I said moving to the side.
She grabbed out a steel crowbar out of her large backpack, she started prying the door open.
After she opened the door we slowly walked inside, she grabbed out her swords.
I had a knife with me, we went separate ways and looked around for any supplies.
I found a few boxes of matches, lighters, pocket knifes and tools, and seeds of various types of plants.
" hey Jewel find anything" I yelled.
" yep you" she yelled.
" tons of stuff" I said.
I wondered around he store, until I turned a corner to find a dead walker.
It looked to have bullet holes.
" Jewel did you shoot this" I yelled.
" what, shoot what" she yelled back.
She walked over, when she saw the walker a look of disbelief was on her face.
" well no I didn't shoot that, I don't even have a pistol" she said.
" plus this body is old it's rotten already" she added.
I took out the things I grabbed and looked them over again.
I realized everything had been used or broken.
" I.. I think someone was here before us" I said.
The possibility of more survivors raced through my mind.
Jewel suddenly walked over to what I thought was a design on the store wall, but once I got closer I realized it was something else.
It's looked like a K and R by with more design and time put into it.
" I think someone else was here before us" she said.
Someone else was here?
We told Ben and John about the design and then after continued walking.
We made it to husky the Muskie, and finally we could rest again.
We when over to the statue and looked around, then looked over the lake watching the sunset.
After we made it to town hall and decided to spend the night there.
" let's set up for tonight" Jewel said.
We all nodded.
Jewel started a fire, as we set up our sleeping bags around it.
" goodnight" I said before drifting off to sleep.
Thx for reading!

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