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Shit gotta hide!
I ran down the hall again, however with the lights I wasn't covered with darkness.
I had to find another way to get out.
I walked around the displays and ducked under others, I was almost at the door when one of my swords fell out of its case.
"Hey" the one named John yelled. I quickly picked up my sword and ran.
I ran for the door forgetting about the food and supplies I had came there for.
I pushed the first door open but then the second one was locked, how is this possible I thought.
" wait" another person yelled.
" let me out" I yelled back my voice full of anger but my mind fearful.
I quickly run back inside trying to run to the other door, I was suddenly grabbed by John.
" please let me go" I yelled my voice full of fear.
" calm down we're trying to help" he said putting me back onto the ground.
I quickly grabbed out my swords, " leave me alone" I yelled.
He backs up putting his hands up.
" please we're trying to help" he said.
" I don't need help" I yell.
" please we just wanna hel....wait is that you...jewel" he said in a stutter.
I drop both swords, how does he know me?
Wait John I think, wait I know him!
" John is that really you" I said.
He nods his head.
He runs up to me and hugs me.
A tear runs down my face and I start crying for the first time in years.
" paisley it's Jewel our old friend, shes alive" he yelled.
" wait paisley" I said.
She walks towards me and John, as she gives me a loving smile.
" we all thought you were dead" she said," you didn't make it out in time and...".
" well that doesn't matter now, she alive and I'm so happy to see another person alive" John shouted.
I smiled my tears still running down my face, suddenly another person came in from the other doors.
" hey the lights are working just fine now...... Wait who's that".
" Ben this is Jewel remember the one who didn't get out" paisley said.
His face suddenly lit up, " really... But we all thought.... Nevermind it's great to see another Survivor" he said joining my and John in a hug.
Paisley eventually joined in too.
It felt so nice to have my friends back, I'm not alone.
I pinched myself quickly.
" did you just pinch yourself" Ben asked Half serious half not.
" I wanted to see if I was still sleeping" I said.
We all laughed and continued to hug for a few more minutes.
We finally let go and then started talking about what happened.
They told me the story about how after the disease infected our city it began to spread to other cities across Canada then the rest of the world.
They also told me that the wall that surrounded the city was broken in certain places, I never strayed that far away from my house to know.
" so what about you, how'd you survive the last 10 years here" John asked.
" well it's a very long story, and it's getting late so how about we head to my place first" I said picking up my supplies.
" here let me help" John said grabbing a few things.
We headed out the door and towards my home.
On the way another walker made its way on the road.
Paisley grabbed out a pistol and started aiming at the walker.
" wait let me" I quickly said.
I pasted my stuff to Ben then grabbed my crossbow and an arrow.
" don't waste your ammo, I can get mine back" I said aiming for the head.
Hit right in the head, it falls onto the ground as I run towards it.
I grabbed my arrow back, swiping off the blood.
" let's continue" I said walking to Ben and grabbing my stuff back.
We walk until we get to my house.
I grabbed out my key.
" why would you still have a key, there no one here" Ben asked.
" just incase" I said happily.
We walked inside.
Lexi immediately started barking and quickly jumped on me.
" hi Lexi, I know I took to long sorry" I said pushing her off.
" oh guys this is Lexi" I said.
John and paisley started petting her, as Ben backed up with fear on his face.
" sorry it's just I don't like dogs" he said.
" it's ok she would never bite or hurt you just come in" I said pushing her aside.
We sat down in the living room.
" ok so the story" I said.

Thx for reading!
Next part soon!

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