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Jewel POV:
I started walking home, I thought Ben needed sometime to himself.
It's such a nice day, I should go for a run I thought to myself.
Maybe John or paisley is up, it's to nice of a day to spend by myself.
I walked inside seeing John sitting on the couch.
" hey, good to see your up" I said walking inside.
" oh hi I actually just got up" John said, " also I read your note how was the walk and where's Ben".
" oh well actually, he went off on his own I only followed because he didn't have any weapons" I said.
" oh" he said rather surprised.
" well it is a very nice day anyways wanna go for a walk or something" I asked.
" yeah sure why not" John said.
" great I'll just leave another note for paisley" I said writing down where we were going to be.
We walked out of the house and I made sure both me and John had weapons.
We walked down the street where my old friends Kylah and Tyler lived down, I wonder if they still alive or if they'll walkers?
I tried to clear my mind, I didn't have time to think of the past when I had bigger problems to worry about now.
I hated thinking of my past, my family and friends, my old life was no more.
I lived in this time where most of humanity is dead, my family and friends missing, and my future is chosen.
This disease took away everything from me, my family and friends, my childhood, my life I didn't have anything anymore.
But then I looked up seeing John looking at me with a concerned look.
" you ok" he asks.
No I'm not, I'll never be ok.
I've always hid my emotions and kept them inside, my art was the one thing keeping sane.
Ever since I was young I had to keep my emotions in check, I can't be weak.
My art helped me through the toughest times in my life.
So no John I'm not ok, but I can't let you see that.
" yeah sure I'm fine" I said.
The one thing keeping me from killing myself is that fact I have Lexi, John, Ben, and paisley counting on me.
I wouldn't let them down.
We made it to our old school, and then we went to the park area behind it.
We raced one another to the old structure, I won.
" haha" I said sticking my tongue out.
" ok you win this time" he said playing-ly.
I stared back at our old school, and thought about the times when we were young.
" don't believe everything happiness says" I started singing, " nothing feels better than hiding these days".
" we bury our fears in the drinks and in these tears, for the days we believed we could fly".
" so call up your brothers and sisters and friends, we'll go back to the place where the nights never ends"John sung.
" we'll remember the fires the burning car tires, boy how in the hell we get here?"
" so why don't you meet me, down behind our old school we'll waste away the weekend with perfect regard for how, Cavalier we used to be that Beautiful insanity" we sung in unison.
" the apathy's surrounding me, don't close your eyes or you'll fade, away".
We sung the rest of the song and walked over to the dock on the river.
Our school was cool because it was right next to the red river, our school offered a dragon boating class but I never got to attend.
We sat on the dock and watched the sun set, what a great day.
" thanks for being here John" I said giving him a hug.
He was a bit taken back, but eventually hugged back.
" no thank you, thank you for giving me hope and a best friend" he said.
The sun was only minutes away from fully setting so me and John started heading home.

Ben POV:
I should probably start heading back, the sun is about to set and I don't want to be out here at night especially on my own.
I got up from my place on the hill, a really needed a day like today.
Time for myself, and to think.
I started heading back, the hill I was sitting on was at the park only a block or so away from jewels house so I had enough time to get back before dark.
As I started heading back, I heard a snap behind me.
The park was covered in trees and hills so hearing a twig snap wasn't unusual, but not much animals lived in the park.
I looked back seeing nothing but trees and the large hill I was sitting on.
I tired to ignore it and started walking on the path.

Thx for reading, next part coming soon.
Ps. If you know the song I wrote in here your awesome!!!

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