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Jewel POV:
I wish I could tell John was I was really feeling, but I can't be weak around anyone.
I have to keep my emotions in check, plus I really have to think of the trip and what to bring.
I grabbed my note book and started writing down what I needed to bring.
After I finished writing down the things we needed, I suddenly realized what time is was.
It was early morning the sun just peaking over the edge of the sky.
I wasn't tired though, so I decided to check on Lexi and maybe take her for a walk.
I walked down stairs to see Lexi still asleep.
Maybe I should let her sleep, I'll just go for a walk by myself.
I headed outside and towards the park.

John POV:
I heard the door close again this morning.
I looked up seeing Ben still asleep, it's Jewel then.
Well I wanna find out what she's really thinking and maybe talk about it too.
So I headed out the door, I caught up with her but made sure she didn't see me.
She sat down at the top of a hill, I waited a bit before heading up myself.
" huh... Oh hey John it's just you"she said almost jumping out of surprise.
" hey sorry I just went for a walk, didn't think you'd be out" I said trying my best to lie.
" ha, John your not a very good lier" he said laughing at my attempt to lie.
" yeah" I said rubbing the back of my head.
I didn't like lying to people, so of course I was going to be bad.
" so what's the real reason you followed me out here? Also you kinda suck at being sneaky too." She said.
I'm tall and built big, of course I'm not going to be sneaking.
" well Jewel, I know you were lying about what you were thinking about yesterday, you kinda a bad lier yourself" I said.
I never realized Jewel had brown eyes, as she stared at me with them I realized she did.
She looked back down at the ground, her shoes rubbed together.
" yeah, I know" she said still staring at the ground.
" so? What's up, yah know you can tell me anything right?" I asked.
" yeah I know... It's just..." She trailed off her thought.
" come on Jewel, I wanna help please tell me" I said.
I saw her eyes getting teary and her body started shaking.
" please Jewel tell me" I pleaded.
Tears started running down her face.
" I'm... Im so sorry John" she started, " I didn't mean for you to be worried about me".
I didn't know what to do.
" it's fine Jewel, I just wanna know what's wrong" I said.
After telling me about how she had to keep her emotions inside all her life, I finally understood.
" so what was the picture about" I asked, I'm glad she's finally opening up.
I couldn't even imagine keeping in all her emotions being what she has been through.
" well.. It's meant to represent being trapped by my.. Emotions and not being able to let them out" she said her eyes looking up at me.
" I get you couldn't before... But we'll except you for who you are and it's ok to be sad or scared instead of acting like they don't exist" I said getting her a hug.

Jewel POV:

I never let open my feelings like this, it felt nice.
I hated keeping them inside I only let out my emotions in my art... Or with my father.
John was persistent like him when it came to my emotions, he didn't look anything like him though.
My dad was tall like him but that's where the similarities end.
John was tall, had dark brown hair and eyes he also had tanned skin.
My dad was very different, but I will not going into detail right now.
"Thanks John, I needed this" I said giving him another hug.
As we were still hugging I looked up seeing a trail of blood.
Was that always there?!

Thx for reading next part soon!

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