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Jewel POV:
I woke up under my covers, my father yelling downstairs.
" JEWEL GET UP" he yells.
" uggghhhh.... Why" I said under my breath.
I remove my covers, and get dressed.
I look in the mirror, I look like a train wreck I thought.
My hair is everywhere and my clothes are on backwards, the hell happened last night?
I get dress anyways not really caring all that much, I brush my hair pulling what seemed like my whole head of hair out.
I head downstairs.
" what's up dad, whatcha need" I ask.
" well it's just your friends wanna say happy birthday" he said pointing at the front door.
" what" I asked.
I look over at the front door seeing my friends Kylah, Tyler, will, Kirk, and Icaro there.
" oh hi guys" I said.
" HAPPY BIRTHDAY" they all yelled.
They all run up and hug me, I completely forgot about my birthday.
" thanks guys" I said a tear running down my face.
" one more thing Jewel" my dad starts, " your 13 now and you've earned this".
I was confused of what it could be.
" happy birthday kiddo" he said handing me over a adorable little pup.
" OH MY GOD" I yell making everyone cover up their ears.
I hugged the puppy as I squealed in happiness.
" thank you thank you thank you" I continue to say as everything around me turns black.
" thank you" I said as I sat up seeing everyone still being asleep.
Why did I dream about my friends?
" I need to clear my mind" I said quickly and quietly getting up and heading outside.
I start walking over to the boating docks, the sun is just starting to rise.
I walked to the end of the dock and let my legs swing down at the end of it.
I look down at the water my feet being a few feet above it.
I see muskies swimming just underneath my feet.
One leaps up trying to bite my toes, I quickly jump back.
" damn fish nearly gave me a heart attack" I said.
I Laugh it off trying to keep a positive attitude, then I start thinking of my dream.
" why did I dream of that time?" I asked myself.
I hadn't even been thinking of my friends lately, being more concerned with the times now than then.
I do miss them.
I wish my dream was reality, I wish this wasn't real.
" no, no don't be going negative, you have to stay positive. Think of all the positive, you have Lexi and some of your friends, be happy your no longer alone!" I yelled at myself.
I look over the lake seeing the sun rise on the other side of it, kinda like a cheesy movie.
" I wonder if they're still alive today or... Walkers" I said.
The times passes quickly as the sun fully reaches the sky.
Time to get everyone up I think to myself.
I start heading back when movement in the tree distracts me.
I look closely at the tree tops, squinting my eyes to get a better view.
I see a shape fly through the trees racing towards the building of which my friends are still sleeping at.
I start racing towards the building.
" hey, hey get away" I tired to yell, my voice to weak to fully yell.
It stops and waits in the trees.
I ran inside the building, " everyone get up" I yelled or try.
" huh... What...what's happening" John asks getting up quick.
" I.. I saw that thing run through the trees again it's coming here" I said grabbing my crossbow.
I run back outside, pointing my crossbow to the trees.
I look around seeing no movement, where did it go?
" Jewel" John yelled as he ran after me.
" where is it" he asks pointing his gun up at the trees.
" I'm not sure it was up there" I said not taking my eyes off the trees.
" where are you" I asked.
" I'm here?" John said.
" no that thing" I said.
" oh" he said.
We stand there for a few more minutes, until Ben and paisley call us back in.
" anything" Ben asks.
" nope it's gone" I said, " we should start moving anyways".
Thx for reading!

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