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I woke up to the sun in my eyes, I quickly got up seeing if my friends were a dream or real life.
I ran to my sisters room seeing no one.
" hello guys" I asked seeing if they were just hiding.
I ran to my parents room, again no one.
" I knew it was to good to be true" I said before heading down stairs.
Once down stairs I walked into the living room where everyone was sitting watching t.v.
" how the hell is your t.v still working" Ben asked.
" well it's only recorded shows and stuff but the water and electricity in my house still works" I said back not really knowing why it still works.
" really running water" paisley asked.
" yep, all though I don't know whys it's still working" I said giving them a confused look.
" that's awesome" John said.
I nodded my head, I can't Believe they're really here.
" so yah guys hungry" I asked heading towards the kitchen.
They followed one by one.
" so whatcha have" John asked.
" mostly boxed and canned foods, I also have a few animals and vegetables I've grew or caught" I said.
" really you hunt" John asked.
" yeah whys that a surprise?" I asked giving a confused look.
" well it's just you love animals and you don't seem like that killing type" he said.
" well I do still love animals....but it's just because I need food to live" I said stuttering a bit.
" you ok" Ben asked.
" Maybe I don't know it's just I hate killing anything even walkers and I know there dead but I hate causing pain to anything" I quickly said.
" it's ok, it's understandable but we forgive you after all you need to live" paisley said trying to comfort me.
" but I don't" I yelled, " I don't contribute anything if I live".
" yes you do" John said, " we need you as are friend... No family".
" you mean everything to us, we know that more people could still be out there" Ben said.
They all hugged me making me feel a bit better.
After making some rice with chicken, we all went outside to walk Lexi.
There was an old baseball Diamond passed the back lane of my house where I use to play with my dogs and sisters.
" come on Lexi" I called as she quickly ran passed me.
Lexi was my first dog I ever got or that I officially owned.
I loved her so much, she's been basically the only thing that's kept me going.
Other then my hope that my family and friends were still alive, luckily I do have my friends.
" thank you guys" I said as I walked to the middle of the Diamond with a ball in hand.
I began to throw the ball back-and-forth as Lexi chased and brought it back each time.

John POV:
Thanks for what?
I didn't know what Jewel meant by it but I was so happy to have her back.
It's been a long and exhausting life for me knowing my family and most of my friends are dead.
However Jewel has brought back my hope, if she could make it so could the rest of my Family and friends.
I ran towards her giving her a hug, " no Jewel thank you" I said.
She was taken back a bit, but after a while she hugged back.
After it ended she threw the ball back-and-forth once more.
" hey pass it over here" I said.
She tossed me the ball, but then I threw it a bit to far.
Shit I thought.

Jewel POV:
Wow John can throw but he threw it to far.
It flew over the fence and down the back lane on the other side of the baseball diamond.
Lexi bolted after it, I quickly ran after her with everyone following me.
" Lexi come back" I called.
She cleared the fence and continued after the ball, I taught her so much but I really hated it when she used that against me.
I jumped the fence and ran after her.
My friends took their time climbing over, but I didn't have time to wait.
I turned the corner seeing Lexi having a standoff with a walker.
I grabbed out my swords ( which I never left the house without) and ran to her side.
" down Lexi" I called by she didn't listen, the walker was standing over her ball and she was really protective of her toys.
" Lexi" I called again trying to get her to stop.
She growled and jumped towards it.
She bite it's arm she ripped and tore it, until it finally came off.
Blood splattered all over her fur and the ground.
The walker hissed, then lunched itself at Lexi biting her shoulder.
She screamed in pain before I cut its head off.
Blood covered my swords and Lexi.
Lexi fell to the ground, I ran to her side dropped both swords as I ran.
I started petting her, " it's ok Lexi" I said.

Thx for reading, hope you enjoy it so far.

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