She smirked at me, yawning and twisting her ombré hair in between her fingers.

"Let's go to work, bitch."

I lunged for her, immediately grabbing her cranium and repeatedly slamming her head into my knee.

I continued until I felt it was time to really put on a show.

As she staggered to her feet, I performed a face buster on her, causing her to fall once again.

I wasted no time in sliding out of the ring, lifting up the apron curtain.

The audience roared as they knew I was going to pull out a weapon.

I pulled out a long wooden table, setting it up and making sure it was stable.

I noticed Carmella crawling to the ropes and I quickly landed left and right hooks on her before going back to the apron.


I grabbed a bottle of lighter fluid and a lighter.

The crowd reacted as I poured the liquid all over the table and ignited the flame in the lighter, causing the whole table to be on fire.

I got back in the ring, gripping her long locks.

"You want to play Carmella? You're gonna learn your lesson tonight bitch."

I went to the turnbuckles before charging at her, wrapping my hand around her back and spearing her right through the middle rope and sending us both through the table.

I cried out in pain as the flames made contact with my skin. I could hear Carmella doing the same.

It didn't last long as the flames quickly died out when we landed on them but it still hurt like a bitch.

My side was burning as I looked down, a gash of blood decorating the skin there.

I forced myself to stand back up and I grabbed Carmella. She started to fight back, throwing weak punches into my abdomen.

The wind was knocked out of my lungs when she abruptly clothes lined me and my spinal cord made direct contact with the mats.

I gasped for air as she reached under the ring, only to pull a steel chair out.

"You want to play? Oh, I'll play."

Carmella stuck true to her words when she slammed the steel chair onto my back, making contact with my skin.

I hissed in pain as she continued hit after hit. Each sound the steel made, inflicting pain onto my weary muscles.

Get back up Paige.

I willed myself to my feet and right when she turned around from searching for another weapon, I super kicked her, watching her chin fly back as the bottom of my boot caused her neck to crack.

That's when I saw it.

As Carmella fell to the ground, a wild idea popped into my mind.

The fans wanted crazy? I'll give them crazy.

Dean Ambrose style of course.

I spotted the four poles surrounding the ring connecting to the large WrestleMania sign that hovered over the squared circle.

This had to keep her down.

I pulled Carmella back up, wrapping my arms around her torso and flipping her over me, performing a German suplex.

What I was about to do next could possibly kill me, but what's the fun in not taking the risk?

I examined one of the poles and began to climb up it. What I realized when I got to the top was how high this really was.

I could see every fan in the crowd and all of their jaws lay slack. Some begging me not to do it while other's eyes were glimmering with the excitement and fire of tonight.

I looked down, spotting my Mum's red mop of hair in the crowd. All I could make out were the words, 'please don't do this.'

But I had to. For Dean.

I had a direct shot to Carmella from here and I knew if I didn't do it now, I'd psych myself out.

So I jumped.

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