7. F L E S H

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Paige had no idea that she was playing with fire. For years, I had only dreamed about kissing her.

I got chills just thinking about it.

Our moment was ruined when a whistle cut through the thick atmosphere.

"You can practically feel the sexual tension in the air so I think I'm gonna go.."

Seth said that before everyone laughed and followed him out of the door.

Paige's cheeks flushed pink and my heart fluttered at her being embarrassed.

"No need to be shy baby girl."

I tilted her head up with my index finger and stared into her sparkling eyes.

Her eyes drifted down to my bare torso and for a second I thought I heard a growl rise up in her throat.

My body heated up at the sound of it and I silently begged her not to do anything else before I lost it.

"Paige, I would stop whatever you're doing if you want to be innocent by the end of the night."

"Hit me with your best shot."

I let out an impromptu growl and slammed her back into the door.

"I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into. I'm a wild animal and I won't stop until I get what I want."

I expected that to scare her into running away but instead she pulled me closer to her.

"I'm a wild animal too. And maybe we just happen to be compatible."

I knew my eyes darkened and my pupils had dilated.

That night I saw every uncovered piece of FLESH her beautifully carved body had to offer.

She was an angel. Even in her most revealed state, she still manages to be breathtaking.

That night, she saw all of me as well.

We had given our souls and our bodies to one another this night.

It was whenever the aftermath had settled in, I realized what I had done. I had taken her innocence from her. I had tainted her.

But yet, she still smiled.

Our bodies lay against one another with my head resting on her chest. We were both overwhelmingly hot and sweaty but somehow, laying with her, all those thoughts slipped my mind.

Her fingers tangled in my unruly hair.

"I regret nothing Dean."

Somehow that didn't bring me any relief. I felt like a criminal. I had robbed her of her purity.

I could sense it. I was about to have a panic attack. My breathing sped up and I felt Paige hold me tighter.

"Dean, please don't do this. It's fine.  Please, it's okay."

I desperately wanted to get away from her touch. I was hot enough as it is. I hated that I got anxious over the smallest things but I couldn't help it.

"No, it's not okay. I'm sorry Paige! I didn't mean to hurt you."

She held my head to her bare chest and kissed my forehead.

I hate myself. I hate who I am.

The urge to close in on myself was stronger than ever and I knew by now, it was no use trying to squirm out of her grip.

She knew exactly what to do. Her angel wings kept me against her shiny skin.

"Dean, you didn't hurt me. If anything, you're the best I've ever had."

I refrained from chuckling. She was trying to make light of the situation.

"You're actually my first."

It was painful to admit that. I expected her to laugh in my face but she simply held me closer.

"After my mom passed away, I took it hard. I went out drinking every night. Girls were always trying to take advantage of me. As well with my mom passing, I vowed to never be like my father.."

"He beat my mother until the point of death. That's also why I have avoidant personality disorder. I've been fucked up so many times in my life that I didn't even bother socializing. He had beaten me up almost everyday and my body couldn't handle it anymore. That's where I get my fear of being alone. Being alone makes my skin crawl.."

I glanced up to see tears streaming down her pale cheeks and I wasted no time in wiping them.

"I resorted to wrestling as a way to take out all my emotion. Soon, sadness turned into anger. I hated every single person who got in my way and who talked to me. I trusted nobody. I even sent a guy to the hospital with broken ribs and a severe concussion when I went too far. It was when I was called up to WWE that my shell of fury was broken.."

"I met Roman and Seth. My brothers. At first, I couldn't stand them. They were always happy and peppy and I hated that. I was jealous of the fact they could enjoy life so much. Hunter forced me to work with them and I eventually grew a liking to them. I wasn't angry all the time anymore. That's why I was so cruel to you. I loved the fact that I could get under your skin and get you so fired up. I also hated how pretty you were, knowing I'd never be able to have you.."

She sniffled and allowed me to see her pearly whites.

"I loved Ro and Seth up until they realized they were made for eachother and started sucking face in front of me."

Her giggle was like music to my battered soul. She was so full of life and my happiness depended her. And I know that's not healthy to put your happiness in another person but she was everything.


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