22. L I F E

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"Mum, stop the car now."

My heart was racing in my chest. I had just witnessed Dean's car get smashed into and my stomach was twisting.

Before my Mum could even hit the brakes, I swung the door open and jumped out, running to the car.


The car had been flipped upside down and I saw his head resting against the
steering wheel with large gashes of blood trailing down his face.

I sobbed, hearing the sound of an ambulance and police arriving.

My entire world was crashing down around me. I felt like I couldn't breathe and my throat was constricting, closing off my airways.

I began trying to gasp for air but nothing would happen. I felt the tears on my face falling and at this point my heart was beating too fast for me to function.

The police grabbed me, telling me I had to back up.

"No! Please, let me see him!"

They continued pushing me back as I fought to breathe. I was having a severe anxiety attack, something I had only witnessed and been there to soothe.

I was choking, only caring about if Dean was okay.

They sat me down on the edge of the ambulance, most likely telling me to calm down and slow my breathing but I couldn't.

My heart was in my throat as I watched the EMT's put Dean on a stretcher after breaking him out of the car.

His eyes were still closed when they put the neck brace on, putting an oxygen mask over his face.

I refused to listen to them as I rode with Dean to the hospital. I enveloped my hand with his limp one and heaved.

I shakily used my free hand to pull out my cell phone and call my Mum.

"Darling!? What's happened? Are you and Dean alright?"

"Far from it. I'm riding with Dean to the hospital. You can just go back to the house, I'll keep you updated."

I quickly hung up before she could object and softly pressed my lips to Dean's hand.

"I love you Jon. Just know that."

I followed behind the EMT's as we arrived at the hospital and they pulled Dean's stretcher out.

But as we got to the room, they told me I can't be in there.

"Why!? I don't understand why I can't hold my boyfriend's hand while he goes through this!"

"Miss, please. We must perform a life saving surgery on him in order for him to live. I understand you are worried but I am not permitted to let you come in."

The doctors shut the door behind them and I crashed against the wall, sliding to the floor.

I was begging whatever higher power out there for him to be okay. That man is my pride and joy and if he is taken away from me, my will to live is taken as well.

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