Chapter 26

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We went to the park and hung out before we went to the concert. Jimin brought a bag of candy to the orphan kids.
"Oppa," Yuri called.
"Yuri," Jimin called.
They ran to each other and hugged each other. Yuri saw me walking to them. She got off him and ran to me.
"Unni, I missed you," she said holding my hand.
"I missed you too," I said to her.
"Oppa who is he," she pointed to Ji-Yong. "He's my son," Jimin asnwered. Yuri only stared at him while walking to him. Ji-Yong's face got red and Yuri started blushing. We stayed at the park for another hour watching Yuri play with Ji-Yong.

Then we went back to the house and Jimin got ready for the concert. Jimin drove to the venue and when we got there all the guys were waiting.
"Awe you guys didn't have to wait for me," Jimin said going in for a hug.
"We are not waiting for you," they all said rejecting his hug. They came up to me and hugged me.
"Yah! She mine, back off," Jimin said pulling me towards him.
We all laughed and went into their trailer. Michelle pulled me out of the trailer and sat on the chairs where the audience was going to be sitting.

"So everything is okay," she asked.
"Yeah its better then okay," I said biting my lips.
"Woah what did I miss," she asking nudging me.
"We made out a lot this morning," I told her. I couldn't stop smiling.
"I want details hun," she said with a smirk. So I told her everything that happen this morning. The boys came on stage to practice and we watched them. Every now and then Jimin would give me a wink while practicing. Michelle and I headed backstage when fans were showing up. Some showed up earlier just to see them practice. When the show was about to start the boys were in the trailer getting ready. Jimin came out first and sat with me on the table. He held my hand and looked nervous.

"You okay," I asked him.
"Eh not really."
"Why not?"
"It's been a while since I actually tried my best to perform the other months I was lacking. I just dont want to mess up today."
"You won't because I'm here. I'm your good luck charm babe," I said holding his face.
"Thanks," he said kissing my hand. The rest of the guys came out and waited by the staircase till their manager introduced them. Everyone started screaming when the boys got on stage, so did me and Michelle. We stayed by the stairs and watched the performance.  You're doing great Jimin.

2 Months later

"Michelle hurry in the bathroom I need to change," I said banging on the door.
"Hold on I getting my dress on," she said through the door. I went back go my seat and looked in the mirror.
"Don't worry Abby, do not freak out. You are marrying the love of your life. You'll be fine," I mumbled to myself. Someone knocked on the door. I went to open the door and saw my dad. I leaped into his arms and hugged him.
"Awe my little girl has become a beautiful young lady today," he said.
"Dad you came," I said wiping my tears. I looked around and notice sonething different.
"Where's mom," I asked still looking into the hallway.
"Yeah about that, we got divorced 2 months ago. She just became different and she talked loads of crap about you and I couldn't take it anymore. And I moved back to South Korea and married another women that was close to my heart when I was younger. Luckily she wasn't married and now I'm with her." I was a little upset but glad my dad was here with me on my special day.
"So I hope no one has asked to escort you to the alter because that's my job," he said. I laughed and let him come into my room. Michelle came out of the bathroom and saw my dad. He got up from the couch and hugged her.
"Wow both of my girls are beautiful," he said.

I went into the bathroom and put my dress on. When I finished Michelle helped me do my hair and put the veil on me.
"Abby you have 3 minutes," Jimin's mom said. She came in and checked on me.
"Oh who's this," she said bowing to him. My dad bowed back and introduced himself.
"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Abby's father."
Michelle finished doing my hair and we walked into the hallway. We got to the door and my dad had his arm out. I put my arms into his and the doors opened. This will be my life now. We walked down the alter and Jimin took my hand and we said our vows.

"Just the past months were hard on me. I didn't know if I was ever going to love anyone else like I did with you. I was sure I was never going to get married and that I was going to die alone. I remember the first day we met and I couldn't keep my eyes off you. I told the boys that I was going to make you love me," the boys nodded their head." I have never been this happy in my life before and you've changed my life. I'm glad that you're the one I'll be marrying and I can't wait to see what the future holds for you and I," Jimin said.
"Well most of what I was going to say Jimin said already. But Jimin, you've been there for me on my bad days. You treat me like I've never been treated before. You put me before anyone else and I love you for that. I would not change anything that has happened through the past month. That made us become a stronger person and made us love each other more. I'm really excited to live my life with you," I said.

"Do you Park Jimin take Abby as your wife?"
"I do."
"Do you Abby Lee take Jimin as you'd husband?"
"I do."
"Well I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."
Jimin did not hesitate at all and grabbed my waist and kissed me. Everyone started clapping and whistling. Jimim and I walked out of the hall and he kissed me again at the door.
"I love you," he whispered to me.
"Love you too babe," I said to him.

3 years later.

Jimin and I finally had a girl named Shinhye. She adored Ji-Yong. Shinhye would always call him oppa but Ji-Yong also loved being am older brother. I finally got a job working along side with Jimin as one of their manager and Michelle helps me too. Jimin has been working hard along with the boys to make their next album a good one. It's nice to say that I don't have to worry about not seeing Jimin.

"Omma hurry Yuri is coming over," Ji-Yong said setting up the table for their lunch date.
"Omma can I eat with oppa and his girlfriend," Shinhye asked.
"No you eat in the living room araso?"
"Neh," she said walking back to the living room to watch tv. The doorbell rang and I went to open the door.
"Yuri welcome," I said.

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