Chapter 17

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Abby's POV

While at Michelle's house, we were suggesting what games to play.
"You guys should play the random dance play," I suggested. They all agreed.
"Wait but if we succeeded, we get to give you guys a punishment," Jungkook said.
"And if you don't we give you guys a punishment. You only get 3 chances," I said.
"Bring it on," the boys said. The boys went into the basement, meanwhile Michelle and I picked out some songs. After we picked out about 10 songs we went downstaris with SeoHyun and Ji-Yong. We set up the computer to the speaker and was ready to see them lose. Our first song was War of Hormone. In the middle of Danger, Jin messed up.
"That's one strike," Michelle said with her devilish smile. Our next song was Tomorrow.
Jimim messed up on that one too.
"Give us two minutes to regroup," Jungkook said. We gave them the time. The next song was Boy in Luv. J-Hope almost messed up but we let it slide. Then we but on We Are Bulletproof Pt.2. And finally V messed up and Michelle and I won. We both started jumping up and bragging it in their face.
"Why don't you guys try it since you were the ones that suggested it," Jimin said breathing heavily.
"Yeah but I'm not the one who said loser  gets punishment," I said looking towards Jungkook. The boys went upstairs to get a drink while Michelle and I thought of a punishment. We came up with a brilliant idea and called the boys back down to the basement. They plodded down the stairs and sat on the couch.
"So our punishment to you is cooking," Michelle started it off.
"What kind of punishment is that," Suga said.
"It's okay we have Jin," Jungkook said.
"Umm I wouldn't want to rely on Jin. You guys will be cooking dinner without Jin and doing the dishes afterwards with Jin. While you guys are cooking Jin will be watching you guys but he can't say a single word. If he does we get to give you another punishment," I said to them. They starting groaning and whining.
"You better head upstairs I'm pretty hungry," Michelle said rubbing her stomach. We both started laughing as they went upstairs. We cleaned up the basement and then went upstairs.

"You know what instead of having Jin watching you guys, let's have Jin and RapMon come help us with something else while you guys cook," Michelle said. I looked at her thinking that wasn't the plan. All 3 of us followed Michelle into the living room and she plopped onto the couch. She patted to the seat next to her for me.
"You guys will massage our shoulders," she said. They walked behind us and did as what they were told. I saw Jimin and Jungkook watching us from the corner of my eye. I closed my eyes and went back to enjoying the massage.
"Jimin and Jungkook shouldn't you be cooking right now," I said. I heard them run back into the kitchen. Then there was a loud noise from the kitchen. We all went to look and saw Jimin on the ground.
"Jimin-ah kwenchana," I asked.
"Neh, just slipped." The guys put a hand out and helped him back up. We let RapMon and Jin get back to their punishment with the rest of the guys. Michelle and I were in the living room talking.
"So do you know when your weddings going to be?"
"No, not yet. Maybe summer."
"How does it feel having Ji-Yong live with you and Jimin?"
"It's okay. Ji-Yong seems to be enjoying staying with us and he's such a good kid," I answered.
"Dinners ready," Jungkook said. We walked over to the table and sat down while the guys were finishing up. Michelle and I were the judges of their cooking. We both were a little scared but excited to see how they did. I took a bite of their food and surprisingly it wasn't half bad.
"Sooo...," the guys asked.
"Not bad," I said. Michelle nodded in agreement.
"Omma I'm tired," Ji-Yong said. I grabbed him and laid him on the couch. Michelle grabbed me a blanket for him. I put him to sleep and went back to the table. After we ate the boys finished up and we went home. I drove since Jimin was tired. When we got home I looked at Jimin and Ji-Yong. Like father like son. I woke Jimin up and he carried Ji-Yong into the house. I went to tuck Ji-Yong in while Jimin went to wash up. After Jimin finished I went to take a shower. I went into the room and saw Jimin knocked out.
"You must have been tired today," I whispered getting into bed.

The next day

I was in the living room watching my korean drama when Ji-Yong came and joined me. I had him in my arms and then Jimin came.
"Hey is it okay if a friend of mine come visit today," Jimin asked.
"Yeah what time?"
"In like an hour," he said.
"Jimin were not even ready. Our house isn't clean and I have nothing to cook," I said to him.
"They want to go eat out. They haven't been in Korea for a bit."
"What about Ji-Yong," I asked.
"I'll ask Jungkook and Michelle to take care of him," he said.
"Okay." I started cleaning the house and went to get ready to go out. Jimin left and sent Ji-Yong to Jungkook's place. When he arrived, his friends showed up. They all came in together. I was in the bathroom finishing up. I went out and introduced myself to them.
"Annyeonghaseyo. I'm Abby," I said and bowed to them. They stood up and introduced themselves.
"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Kim Min-Jun and this is my wife EunSoo."
"Annyeonghaseyo," said EunSoo. We all sat on the couch and Jimin and Min-Jun were talking and catching up with one another.
"Shall we go now. I have reservation at 4," Jimin said. We all took one car and EunSoo and I sat in the back. We got to the resturaunt and went inside. It was packed inside. I held onto Jimin's hands and the waiter took us to our table. EunSoo and I sat next to each other.
"Hi I'll be your waiter today. Should we start off with drinks." We ordered our drinks and looked back at our menu. Before the waiter came back to take our orders I quickly walked to the bathroom. I walked back to the table and I saw EunSoo in my seat. They were all laughing. Just then she reached her hands our and touched Jimin's hands. Oh no she did not just touch Jimin. Honey you have no idea who your dealing with.

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