Chapter 9

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Abby's POV

We were finally going back to Seoul. I dont think I could handle another chaotic day in Busan. By midnight we arrived in Seoul. Jimin and I got home and ate a late dinner. We watched TV for most of the morning and crashed on the couch by 5. I woke up around 2pm and made lunch. Jimin had to go back to the studio and start recording for their comeback. When he woke up he came into the kitchen and helped me cook the rest. We ate lunch and he went to get ready.
"Thanks for the lunch babe, I'm going to head out," Jimin said putting his shoes on.
"Alright, be safe." I gave him a hug and kissed him on the cheek. I went back to the kitchen and finished the dishes. I went into the bedroom and slept. It was about nighttime when someone knocked on the door. I checked through the eye hole and it was Jin.

"Hey Jin I thought you guys were at the studio," I asked curiously.
"Oh yeah I didn't feel good so they told me to go home," he said. I put my hand to his head and it was hot.
"Jin, you are sick. Did you get enough rest last night."
"I went to sleep around 7." I could see he was about to pass out so I told to sit at the couch. As he walked there he fell on the ground.
"Jin! Are you okay," I yelled. I helped him up and took him to the couch. I called Jimin while I was getting a wet towel to put on Jin's forehead.
"Hello," Jimin answered.
"Jin came by and passed out. I dont know what to do," I said frantically.
"Im on my way home right now just wait."
I hung up the phone and tried waking Jin up. Eventually he was awake...kind of.
"Who are you," he said.
"Its Abby, Jin are you okay?"
"Wow, you're so pretty." Then he grabbed me and kissed me.
"Yah," I said hitting him on the shoulder.
Then the door opened.
"Yah, what the hell is going on here," Jimin yelled walking up to Jin and pulled him off of me.
"Jimin its n-not what it l-looks like," I stuttered.
"Really because it looks like you guys were kissing," he said angrily. He went up to Jin and pulled him up by the shirt and was about to punch him. But I got in front of Jin just in time.

"He must have been hullusinated Jimin. Dont punch him," I said kind of scared. He put his hands down and let go of Jin. I helped Jin get back on the couch. Jimin slammed the door to the bedroom. By morning Jin woke up and so did I. I made him tea and helped him sit up.
"Kwenchana," I asked again.
"Yeah, sorry if I made you stay up. Where's Jimin," he asked. Oh great. Time to tell the story.
"Well he's in bed but probably is pissed at you," I started off.
"Why," he asked.
"Yesterday you were half awake maybe a little hullusinated and you kissed me. Jimin walked in and saw. Your just lucky he didnt punch you," I finished.
"Oh my gosh. I need to apologize. Can you wake him up." I headed to the bedroom and popped my head in. Jimin was already up on his phone.
"Can I come in," I asked softly.
"Yeah," he put his phone on the table and sat up on the bed. I climbed onto the bed and sat next to him.
"Are you still mad?"
"No, is he still here," he asked.
"Neh, he wants to talk to you," I told him. He got up and headed to the living room. I followed him and Jin was still on the couch. He turned his head and saw Jimin. Jin immediately was on his knee apologizing.
Jimin picked him up and and said it was okay. They made up and I made breakfast for the 3 of us. While we were eating I got a text from Michelle.

Michelle: Hey come to my house today while the boys are at the studio. [Recieved]
Me: Okay I will. [Sent]

Jin helped me do the dishes and then they headed out to the studio. I went to get ready and head over to Michelle's place. I knocked the door when I arrived and Michelle opened the door.
"Hey Abby."
"Hey, wheres SeoHyun?"
"She's at Jungkook's parents house. They missed her and wanted to see her." We went to her living room and sat in the couch. Then I told her everything that happened last night.
"Really? He kissed you...did you like it," she asked
"Yeah he did and it was okay," I answered.
"Okay good or just okay?"
"Just okay." She glared at me.
"What im telling the truth," I said annoyed.
"Okay...okay. Let's go to the studio today," she suggested.
"Okay, lets make something for them," I said heading to the kitchen. When we finished we drove to the studio. They were still in the dancing studio so we went into their rooms and waited for them. The door knob turned and we decided to hide under the table.
"Hey who brought the food," V said.
"Ready..." I whispered. Michelle nodded her head. I counted down and by three we came out of the table.
"Surprise!!!" J-Hope and RapMon fell on the ground and almost had a heartattack. Michelle and I turned to each other and felt bad but also laughed.
Jimin and Jungkook came to us and hugged us.
"We brought food thinking you guys would be hungry," Michelle said.
"When are we never hungry," V said to us.
"Well dig in," I said opening the containers.
They all ran and grabbed food. We invited the producers and staff members to eat since we made so much food. As everyone was eating, Michelle pulled me outside into the hallway.

"What," I said to her.
"I keep seeing Jin staring at you. Does he like you. Did something happen last week?"
"No but I mean that day in Busan when I came back to the house and I spilled food on my plate. I went to the beach to eat and he was there. I had food on my face and he wiped it off. That doesn't mean anything though right," I asked.
"I hope not," Michelle said staring at me. What the hell is going on. I'm so confused.

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